- A pair of organs , the principal parts of the respiratory system , at the front of the cavity of the chest, or thorax . In the lungs, oxygen from the air that is inhaled is transferred into the blood , while carbon dioxide is removed from the blood and exhaled.
Example Sentences
He became delirious, his heartbeat grew ragged, his blood teemed with the virus, and his lungs, liver and kidneys began to fail.
Then stab her to death and bring me back her lungs and liver as proof of your deed.
He took out the lungs and liver and brought them to the queen as proof that the child was dead.
Mixner almost died in February, after his lower intestine got twisted, leaving him with gangrene in his heart and lungs.
The force that inspires defiant videos and top-of-their-lungs screeching tweens is, in fact, a media-shy 43-year old Swedish… man.
Sol got up, slowly; took a backward step into the yard; filled his lungs, opened his mouth, made his eyes round.
He can't talk much, though; 'tain't good fur him; his lungs is out er kilter.
In the lungs hemoglobin forms a loose combination with oxygen, which it readily gives up when it reaches the tissues.
They are cells which have been highly differentiated for the purpose of carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
The smoke is inhaled into the lungs, producing a momentary stupor and the operation is over.