


[ mahr-key-zuh; Italian mahr-ke-zah ]


, plural mar·che·se [mahr-, key, -zey, mah, r, -, ke, -ze].
  1. an Italian noblewoman, equivalent in rank to a marquise.
  2. the wife or widow of a marchese.


/ marˈkeːza /


  1. (in Italy) the wife or widow of a marchese; marchioness
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of marchesa1

1790–1800; < Italian; feminine of marchese
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Example Sentences

Weinstein Heir in Play: Marchesa co-designer Georgina Chapman gave birth to a son last Thursday, sources tell Page Six.

Pearl by Georgina Chapman of Marchesa will launch on March 1st, ranging in price from $70 to $100.

And Ariel, of The Little Mermaid, has exchanged her wide-eyed innocence for a cleavage-baring Marchesa gown and a suggestive pose.

In the past few years, Marchesa has become a celebrity favorite.

Marchesa is a brand about fantasy and otherworldliness, not the kind of glamour that unfolds on 42nd Street.

The Marchesa Baroli, at Turin, provided for his maintenance, by engaging him as her secretary and librarian.

The salons of the Marchesa in the Palazzo Roccagiovine were much frequented.

He offered his arm to the Marchesa, and together they made the rounds of the regal apartments.

The Marchesa's back was turned; but Frank could see that she was weeping.

That night the marchesa left her husband's halls—never to return.




