mean distance
, Astronomy.
- the arithmetic mean of the greatest and least distances of a planet from the sun, used in stating the size of an orbit; the semimajor axis.
mean distance
- the average of the greatest and least distances of a celestial body from its primary
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Word History and Origins
Origin of mean distance1
First recorded in 1885–90
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Example Sentences
This speed, caused by the solar mass itself, keeps our planet at the same mean distance from the central star.
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The square of the time of revolution (or year) of each planet is proportional to the cube of its mean distance from the sun.
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On the orbit of the moon, at its mean distance from the earth, each of these straight sides would be about 6,000 feet long.
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It has been calculated that the whites advance a mean distance of seventeen miles along the whole of this vast boundary.
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The mean distance from the Atlantic to the Mississippi does not probably exceed seven hundred and fifty miles.
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