1[ muh-doo-suh, -zuh, -dyoo- ]
- a saucer-shaped or dome-shaped, free-swimming jellyfish or hydra.
2[ muh-doo-suh, -zuh, -dyoo- ]
- the only mortal of the three Gorgons. She was killed by Perseus, and her head was mounted upon the aegis of Zeus and Athena.
1/ mɪˈdjuːzə /
- Greek myth a mortal woman who was transformed by Athena into one of the three Gorgons. Her appearance was so hideous that those who looked directly at her were turned to stone. Perseus eventually slew her See also Pegasus 1
/ mĭ-do̅o̅′sə /
, Plural medusas mĭ-do̅o̅′sē
- A cnidarian in its free-swimming stage. Medusas are bell-shaped, with tentacles hanging down around a central mouth. Jellyfish are medusas, while corals and sea anemones lack a medusa stage and exist only as polyps.
- Compare polyp
- The best known of the monster Gorgons of classical mythology ; people who looked at her would turn to stone. A hero, Perseus , was able to kill Medusa, aiming his sword by looking at her reflection in a highly polished shield.
Derived Forms
- Meˈdusan, adjective
- meˈdusan, adjective
Other Words From
- me·du·soid [m, uh, -, doo, -soid, -, dyoo, -], adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of medusa2
Word History and Origins
Origin of medusa1
Example Sentences
The legend goes that Perseus defeated Medusa with limited use of sight.
For October, it’s Jess Zimmerman’s “Women and Other Monsters,” which recenters mythological characters, such as Medusa and the Harpies, through a feminist lens.
The devices, called “Medusa,” use a combination of four microphones and two cameras to maps noise levels when sounds exceed a certain decibel level, like a motorcycle backfiring or an engine revving.
In Greek mythology, the Gorgon Medusa had the face of a woman and poisonous snakes for hair; her glance could turn men to stone.
Medusa-emblazoned harnesses, stylish rock concert tees, and blaring rap music.
Editor's note: An earlier version of this article confused the monster Hydra with Medusa.
Shannel (Season 1) I love that outfit—the Medusa with the snakes.
At Versace, the best elements were tie-dyed prints in blue with a signature Medusa seemingly floating amid a summer sky.
Among these are "Medusa," a bronze bust; and a "Mater Dolorosa," in terra-cotta.
A shark was also taken, eleven feet long; and many curious specimens of crustacea and medusa were obtained by the towing-net.
Whoever looked at Medusa was turned into stone, but Perseus, by the aid of enchantment, slew her.
It did not take long for the hero who had slain Medusa to kill the unlawful claimant, and reinstate his grandfather.
Some distance away lay the other two Gorgons, Medusa's sisters, but the young hero had no thought for them.