


[ men-dl-suhn; German men-duhl-zohn ]


  1. E·rich [ey, -, r, i, kh], 1887–1953, German architect in England and in the U.S.

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Throughout his book, Mendelsohn illuminates the parallels between his relationship to his father and Odysseus’s relationship to his son, Telemachus.

The Spies Next Door By Matt Mendelsohn - Washingtonian Great espionage stories are hiding in neighborhoods all over Washington.

As the architect Eric Mendelsohn put it, Jews wanted to be part of the American mainstream—and that mainstream was modern.

This week, books that encapsulate the enthusiasm of youth and the battered truth of age, from Danielewski to Daniel Mendelsohn.

Waiting for the Barbarians By Daniel Mendelsohn A master classicist takes on subjects from the ‘Iliad’ to ‘Avatar.’

It is your obligation to tackle every essay by Ruth Franklin and Daniel Mendelsohn.

In Mendelsohn the enormous creative power was modified by the intellect 290 and the conscience.

Frederick Schlegel married early in life the daughter of the celebrated Jewish philosopher Mendelsohn.





Mendel's lawsMendelssohn