North Korea
[ nawrth kuh-ree-uh, kaw-, koh- ]
- Official_name Dem·o·crat·ic Peo·ple's Re·pub·lic of Ko·re·a. a country in East Asia: formed 1948 after the division of the former country of Korea at the 38th parallel. 50,000 sq. mi. (129,500 sq. km). : Pyongyang.
North Korea
- a republic in NE Asia, on the Sea of Japan (East Sea) and the Yellow Sea: established in 1948 as a people's republic; mostly rugged and mountainous, with fertile lowlands in the west Language: Korean. Currency: won. Capital: Pyongyang. Pop: 24 720 407 (2013 est). Area: 122 313 sq km (47 225 sq miles) Official nameDemocratic People's Republic of Korea Korean nameChosŏn
Other Words From
- North Ko·re·an adjective noun
Example Sentences
Even North Korea and Syria have seen changes in their dynastic leadership since then.
That has included alleged attempts by state-sponsored hackers from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea to steal coronavirus vaccine research or production techniques.
Somewhere beyond a desire to report the news and being famous for having done so, Lisa Ling has threaded the needle of a life lived in the mix of things — from reporting on bride burning in India to getting arrested in North Korea — to great effect.
Over the last year, hackers linked with Russia and North Korea have targeted companies researching coronavirus vaccines and treatments.
It is considered one of the companies with enough threat intelligence and expertise to routinely and reliably attribute attacks to high-profile hackers, including the governments of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
The new information consisted of Internet protocol addresses that Comey said are “exclusively used” by North Korea.
Current and former intelligence officials have said North Korea has long been a priority target for American spies.
Instead, it appears that the Obama administration has opted to punish North Korea financially.
This may be the case—but it is not remotely plausible evidence that this attack was therefore orchestrated by North Korea.
That means any response that could result in physical damage inside North Korea is off the table.
Along with nations in the region, we are insisting that North Korea eliminate its nuclear program.
North Korea has now frozen its dangerous nuclear weapons program.
North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens.
Along with nations in the region, we're insisting that North Korea eliminate its nuclear program.
We're working closely with the governments in Asia to convince North Korea to abandon its nuclear ambitions.