[ ohth ]
- a solemn appeal to a deity, or to some revered person or thing, to witness one's determination to speak the truth, to keep a promise, etc.:
to testify upon oath.
- a statement or promise strengthened by such an appeal.
- a formally affirmed statement or promise accepted as an equivalent of an appeal to a deity or to a revered person or thing; affirmation.
- the form of words in which such a statement or promise is made.
- an irreverent or blasphemous use of the name of God or anything sacred.
Synonyms: profanity
- any profane expression; curse; swear word:
He slammed the door with a muttered oath.
/ əʊθ /
- a solemn pronouncement to affirm the truth of a statement or to pledge a person to some course of action, often involving a sacred being or object as witness juratory
- the form of such a pronouncement
- an irreverent or blasphemous expression, esp one involving the name of a deity; curse
- on oath or upon oath or under oath
- under the obligation of an oath
- law having sworn to tell the truth, usually with one's hand on the Bible
- take an oathto declare formally with an oath or pledge, esp before giving evidence
Word History and Origins
Origin of oath1
Word History and Origins
Origin of oath1
Example Sentences
On Friday, the territory announced that they have adjusted the law to give the option of taking one of the two oaths.
But Epps testified under oath to the House committee investigating the attack that he had no involvement with the FBI, which has also stated publicly that he had no association with the bureau.
Following his outburst, the judge reminded Giuliani that it would probably be best if he let his lawyer do the talking and reserve his own commentary for when he's under oath.
They were to be sworn early this month but that process stalled after they refused to take the oath.
The case would be paused anyway after 20 January, when Trump takes the oath of office, he said.
Related Words
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.