[ oh-ver-sohld ]
- marked by prices considered unjustifiably low because of heavy and extensive selling:
The stock market is oversold.
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A stock market correction is the one thing that can rally bonds in a meaningful way outside bonds being short-term oversold.
But the idea of the swing voter is way oversold by the media.
It's also true that the benefits of legalization have been wildly oversold.
This much is obvious: the upsides of legalization have been wildly oversold, and the potential downsides blithely ignored.
Many banks are suffering under the weight of assets that are irrationally oversold.
He had already oversold his self-fixed limit, having parted with four hundred and eleven thousand shares.
When this oversold condition of the contracting trades is realized, the prices of labor and of raw materials rise rapidly.
Some, fearing that the place had been oversold, were hastening to secure their seats.
This number was oversold with a printed edition of two million copies—a record never before achieved by any magazine.
This number was oversold with a printed edition of two million copies--a record never before achieved by any magazine.