

View synonyms for parasite


[ par-uh-sahyt ]


  1. an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
  2. a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others:

    They are greedy politicians, parasites with their snouts in the public trough.

    Synonyms: hanger-on, sponge, leech, toady, sycophant

  3. (in ancient Greece) a person who received free meals in return for amusing or impudent conversation, flattering remarks, etc.


/ ˈpærəˌsaɪt; ˌpærəˈsɪtɪk /


  1. an animal or plant that lives in or on another (the host) from which it obtains nourishment. The host does not benefit from the association and is often harmed by it
  2. a person who habitually lives at the expense of others; sponger
  3. (formerly) a sycophant
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ părə-sīt′ /

  1. An organism that lives on or in a different kind of organism (the host) from which it gets some or all of its nourishment. Parasites are harmful to their hosts, although the damage they do ranges widely from minor inconvenience to debilitating or fatal disease.
  2. ◆ A parasite that lives or feeds on the outer surface of the host's body, such as a louse, tick, or leech, is called an ectoparasite . Ectoparasites do not usually cause disease themselves although they are frequently a vector of disease, as in the case of ticks, which can transmit the organisms that cause such diseases as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease.
  3. ◆ A parasite that lives inside the body of its host is called an endoparasite . Endoparasites include organisms such as tapeworms, hookworms, and trypanosomes that live within the host's organs or tissues, as well as organisms such as sporozoans that invade the host's cells.
  4. See more at host


  1. An organism that lives off or in another organism, obtaining nourishment and protection while offering no benefit in return. Human parasites are often harmful to the body and can cause diseases, such as trichinosis .
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The term parasite is often applied to a person who takes advantage of other people and fails to offer anything in return.
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Derived Forms

  • ˌparaˈsitically, adverb
  • parasitic, adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of parasite1

First recorded in 1530–40; from Latin parasītus, from Greek parásītos one who eats at another's table, originally an adjective: “feeding beside,” equivalent to para- + sît(os) “grain, food” + -os adjective suffix; para- 1
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Word History and Origins

Origin of parasite1

C16: via Latin from Greek parasitos one who lives at another's expense, from para- 1+ sitos grain
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Example Sentences

In the relatively few insects that succeeded in ingesting malaria parasite-infected blood in experiments, the ability of the parasites to infect the mosquito was sharply reduced as well.

In other words, they're the exact opposite of Musk, a wealthy parasite who subsists mainly by taking credit for other people's hard work.

From Salon

Severe malaria is caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum, which infects and modifies red blood cells.

In the study, 10 children had parasites with genetic mutations previously associated with artemisinin partial resistance.

Scientists believe that it evolved to protect human beings from invisible contaminants such as pathogens and parasites.

From Salon



