

View synonyms for payment


[ pey-muhnt ]


  1. something that is paid; pay; an amount paid; pay; compensation; recompense.
  2. the act of paying. pay.
  3. reward or punishment; requital.


/ ˈpeɪmənt /


  1. the act of paying
  2. a sum of money paid
  3. something given in return; punishment or reward

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Other Words From

  • pro·payment adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of payment1

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English, variant of paiement, from Middle French; equivalent to pay 1 + -ment

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Example Sentences

He tried to contact a Health Republic doctor to overrule the nurse and get approval for payment.

She also insists she was not “financially involved” with the down payment or mortgage payments on the property.

Each car brought in a monthly payment of about $110, as the Wall Street Journal reported.

Medical and psychiatric services cost a $5 co-payment per visit.

He told her that she was going to take a check, although they had previously agreed on a cash payment.

Given that, you can see at once the reason for the wages paid and the full measure of the payment.

The zemindar was not a man who would accept payment, so Mr. Mayne gave his servants some money.

So the courts abandoned the rule founded on the part payment of the purchase price.

Possession of the books was the only recompense, though for all other work payment in money was made.

Many benefit societies provide for the payment of money to their sick members.



