
[ pen-siv ]
See synonyms for: pensivepensivelypensiveness on

  1. dreamily or wistfully thoughtful: a pensive mood.

  2. expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness: a pensive adagio.

Origin of pensive

First recorded in1325–75; from French (feminine); replacing Middle English pensif, from Middle French (masculine), from pens(er) “to think” (from Latin pēnsāre “to consider, weigh,” literally, “to hang repeatedly,” from pendere “to cause to hang, consider, weigh”) + -if -ive

synonym study For pensive

1. Pensive , meditative , reflective suggest quiet modes of apparent or real thought. Pensive , the weakest of the three, suggests dreaminess or wistfulness, and may involve little or no thought to any purpose: a pensive, faraway look. Meditative involves thinking of certain facts or phenomena, perhaps in the religious sense of “contemplation,” without necessarily having a goal of complete understanding or of action: meditative but unjudicial. Reflective has a strong implication of orderly, perhaps analytic, processes of thought, usually with a definite goal of understanding: a careful and reflective critic.

Opposites for pensive

Other words from pensive

  • pen·sive·ly, adverb
  • pen·sive·ness, noun
  • o·ver·pen·sive, adjective
  • o·ver·pen·sive·ly, adverb
  • o·ver·pen·sive·ness, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use pensive in a sentence

  • “With the removal of TikTok, everything went away — followers, fame, income and offers,” he says, his tone pensive.

  • But Salvator was capable of pensiveness, of faith, and of fear.'

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  • On the outside was a very suitable pensiveness, and affection for all that she was leaving.

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  • Selim shivered all at once and woke up from his pensiveness.

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  • Instead, they wore again the far-away look of dreamy pensiveness.

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  • The pensiveness was a dove brooding on a secure peace; her eyes, gazing ahead, had the gravity of a childs seeing happy visions.

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British Dictionary definitions for pensive


/ (ˈpɛnsɪv) /

  1. deeply or seriously thoughtful, often with a tinge of sadness

  2. expressing or suggesting pensiveness

Origin of pensive

C14: from Old French pensif, from penser to think, from Latin pensāre to consider; compare pension 1

Derived forms of pensive

  • pensively, adverb
  • pensiveness, noun

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