[ pur-myoo-tey-shuhn ]
- the act of permuting or permutating; alteration; transformation.
Synonyms: change, transmutation, modification
- Mathematics.
- the act of changing the order of elements arranged in a particular order, as abc into acb, bac, etc., or of arranging a number of elements in groups made up of equal numbers of the elements in different orders, as a and b in ab and ba; a one-to-one transformation of a set with a finite number of elements.
- any of the resulting arrangements or groups. Compare combination ( def 8b ).
/ ˌpɜːmjʊˈteɪʃən /
- maths
- an ordered arrangement of the numbers, terms, etc, of a set into specified groups
the permutations of a, b, and c, taken two at a time, are ab, ba, ac, ca, bc, cb
- a group formed in this way. The number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time is n !/( n – r )! nPr Compare combination
- a combination of items made by reordering
- an alteration; transformation
- a fixed combination for selections of results on football pools Usually shortened toperm
Derived Forms
- ˌpermuˈtational, adjective
Other Words From
- permu·tation·al adjective
- permu·tation·ist noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of permutation1
Word History and Origins
Origin of permutation1
Example Sentences
It’s a hokey setup, but Duchovny is spiritedly determined to work through the various permutations of this man-and-Mammon tale.
Rejewski applied the branch of mathematics devoted to permutations to the problem — an approach that would look obvious only after he used it.
That a story set in 19th-century England thrives in this country so ubiquitously, in so many permutations, remains a bit of a wonder.
This problem was equivalent to finding the probability that a random permutation of five people was also a derangement, meaning no one wound up in their own starting position.
Usually in order to find them you need to go fishing in the sea of permutations of different elements.
The Manson family was its most grotesque and dangerous permutation.
The economic reform wrought is largely of the nature of a permutation in the methods of conspicuous waste.
We may thus select the four coins in one hundred ways, and the four removed may be arranged by permutation in twenty-four ways.
This permutation is made very convenient by the sentences being printed in sections which may be moved about and combined at will.
Nevertheless, it is much easier to give the child a vivid impression of them by the permutation of parts than by explanation.
Reputable authority can be quoted in behalf of every possible permutation of doctrine.