

View synonyms for persona non grata

persona non grata

[ per-soh-nah nohn grah-tah; English per-soh-nuh non grah-tuh, grey-, grat-uh ]


, Latin.
, plural per·so·nae non gra·tae [pe, r, -, soh, -nahy nohn , grah, -tahy, per-, soh, -nee non , grah, -tee, grey, -, grat, -ee].
  1. a person who is not welcome:

    He has become persona non grata in our club since his angry outburst.

  2. a diplomatic representative unacceptable to an accrediting government.

persona non grata

/ pɜːˈsəʊnə nɒn ˈɡrɑːtə /


  1. an unacceptable or unwelcome person
  2. a diplomatic or consular officer who is not acceptable to the government or sovereign to whom he or she is accredited
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

persona non grata

  1. A person who is no longer favored or welcome: “After my angry words with the manager, I am persona non grata at the video store.” From Latin , meaning “an unacceptable person.”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of persona non grata1

First recorded in 1885–90
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Example Sentences

Egypt expelled the Turkish ambassador last year, prompting Ankara to declare the Egyptian envoy in Turkey persona non grata.

Two of the biggest of those, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, are currently persona non grata in much of the Western world.

Yet they are, as Garcia says, “persona non grata on our own tribal land.”

As a result of the FBI designation, ICP was persona non grata in numerous places, including many potential Gathering sites.

The only thing an Israeli prime minister may not be—at least, not for long—is persona non-grata in the White House.

To make my position more intolerable, I am persona non grata with both sides.

Burleigh was evidently persona non grata in the eyes of both.

I may have been persona non grata, but, if so, she did not express her feeling.

Seeing that I would henceforth be persona non grata at the palace, I sought obscurity in the writing and publication of books.

The grocer, who in being taxed aids in paying the officer's salary, is persona non grata.



