1[ pahyp ]
- a hollow cylinder of metal, wood, or other material, used for the conveyance of water, gas, steam, petroleum, etc.
- a tube of wood, clay, hard rubber, or other material, with a small bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco, opium, etc.
- a quantity, as of tobacco, that fills the bowl of such a smoking utensil.
- Music.
- a tube used as, or to form an essential part of, a musical wind instrument.
- a musical wind instrument consisting of a single tube of straw, reed, wood, or other material, as a flute, clarinet, or oboe.
- one of the wooden or metal tubes from which the tones of an organ are produced.
- a small end-blown flute played with one hand while the other beats a small drum.
- Nautical.
- the sound of a boatswain's pipe.
- the call or utterance of a bird, frog, etc.
- pipes, Informal. the human vocal cords or the voice, especially as used in singing.
- Usually pipes.
- any of various tubular or cylindrical objects, parts, or formations, as an eruptive passage of a volcano or geyser.
- Mining.
- a cylindrical vein or body of ore.
- (in South Africa) a vertical, cylindrical matrix, of intrusive igneous origin, in which diamonds are found.
- Metallurgy. a depression occurring at the center of the head of an ingot as a result of the tendency of solidification to begin at the bottom and sides of the ingot mold.
- Botany. the stem of a plant.
verb (used without object)
verb (used with object)
- to convey by or as by pipes:
to pipe water from the lake.
- to supply with pipes.
- to play (music) on a pipe or pipes.
- to summon, order, etc., by sounding the boatswain's pipe or whistle:
all hands were piped on deck.
- to bring, lead, etc., by or as by playing on a pipe:
to pipe dancers.
- to utter in a shrill tone:
to pipe a command.
- to trim or finish with piping, as an article of clothing.
- Cooking. to force (dough, frosting, etc.) through a pastry tube onto a baking sheet, cake or pie, etc.
- Informal. to convey by an electrical wire or cable:
to pipe a signal from the antenna.
- Slang. to look at; notice:
Pipe the cat in the hat.
verb phrase
- Slang. to stop talking; be quiet:
He shouted at us to pipe down.
- to begin to play (a musical instrument) or to sing.
- to make oneself heard; speak up, especially as to assert oneself.
- to increase in velocity, as the wind.
2[ pahyp ]
- a large cask, of varying capacity, especially for wine or oil.
- such a cask as a measure of liquid capacity, equal to 4 barrels, 2 hogsheads, or half a tun, and containing 126 wine gallons.
- such a cask with its contents.
1/ paɪp /
- a long tube of metal, plastic, etc, used to convey water, oil, gas, etc
- a long tube or case
- an object made in any of various shapes and sizes, consisting of a small bowl with an attached tubular stem, in which tobacco or other substances are smoked
- ( as modifier )
a pipe bowl
- Also calledpipeful the amount of tobacco that fills the bowl of a pipe
- zoology botany any of various hollow organs, such as the respiratory passage of certain animals
- any musical instrument whose sound production results from the vibration of an air column in a simple tube
- any of the tubular devices on an organ, in which air is made to vibrate either directly, as in a flue pipe, or by means of a reed
- an obsolete three-holed wind instrument, held in the left hand while played and accompanied by the tabor See tabor
- the pipesSee bagpipes
- a shrill voice or sound, as of a bird
- a boatswain's pipe
- the sound it makes
- informal.plural the respiratory tract or vocal cords
- metallurgy a conical hole in the head of an ingot, made by escaping gas as the metal cools
- a cylindrical vein of rich ore, such as one of the vertical diamond-bearing veins at Kimberley, South Africa
- Also calledvolcanic pipe a vertical cylindrical passage in a volcano through which molten lava is forced during eruption
- slang.something easy to do, esp a simple course in college
- put that in your pipe and smoke it informal.accept that fact if you can
- to play (music) on a pipe
- tr to summon or lead by a pipe
to pipe the dancers
- to utter (something) shrilly
- to signal orders to (the crew) by a boatswain's pipe
- tr to signal the arrival or departure of
to pipe the admiral aboard
- tr to convey (water, gas, etc) by a pipe or pipes
- tr to provide with pipes
- tr to trim (an article, esp of clothing) with piping
- tr to force (cream, icing, etc) through a shaped nozzle to decorate food
2/ paɪp /
- a large cask for wine, oil, etc
- a measure of capacity for wine equal to four barrels. 1 pipe is equal to 126 US gallons or 105 Brit gallons
- a cask holding this quantity with its contents
/ pīp /
- A vertical cylindrical vein of ore.
- See volcanic pipe
Derived Forms
- ˈpipeless, adjective
- ˈpipy, adjective
Other Words From
- pipeless adjective
- pipelike adjective
- un·piped adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of pipe1
Word History and Origins
Origin of pipe1
Origin of pipe2
Idioms and Phrases
- in the pipeline
- lead-pipe cinch
- put that in your pipe
Example Sentences
Carson also warned that “there’s a fortune” to be made off building the parallel pipe.
The Water Authority studied the pipe dream at least five times in the past.
The Water Authority estimates the pipe could save ratepayers other billions – eventually.
While solids and liquids descend the network, sewer gases — often detectable by their odor — sometimes rise through pipes in the absence of sufficient water, said Morawska, who wasn’t part of the research team.
This weekend, NBC 7 reported that city workers did in fact move into the building before the sewage system had been repaired and the drinking water had been flushed — meaning there was brown water coming out of the pipes.
I was drawn to The Class for different reasons—chiefly, the pipe dream of achieving a tighter and tauter backside.
And then I said, ‘Well, chief, when the admiral comes aboard, the first mate has to pipe him in.’
It would be like if after the 40th pipe in Flappy Bird was a scarecrow.
There was poop humor—literally—when Valerie's house becomes flooded with fecal matter after a pipe bursts.
All it needs is one more “pipe” to select and transmit the crucial information.
Aristide washed and powdered Jean himself, the landlord lounging by, pipe in mouth, administering suggestions.
Drone: the largest tube of a bag-pipe, giving forth a dull heavy tone.
The pipe has a modern look and is altogether unlike those found by the English in use among the Indians in Virginia.
“Now this is what I call real felicity,” observed the major, pulling out a pipe which he proceeded to fill.
“With pleasure, my dear fellow,” said the major puffing vigorously for a few moments to get his pipe well alight.
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.