


[ pol-uh-nee-zhuh, -shuh ]


  1. one of the three principal divisions of Oceania, comprising those island groups in the Pacific Ocean lying east of Melanesia and Micronesia and extending from the Hawaiian Islands south to New Zealand.


/ -ʒɪə; ˌpɒlɪˈniːʒə /


  1. one of the three divisions of islands in the Pacific, the others being Melanesia and Micronesia: includes Samoa, Society, Marquesas, Mangareva, Tuamotu, Cook, and Tubuai Islands, and Tonga
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. Group of islands in the central and southern Pacific Ocean , including the islands of the state of Hawaii and the islands of French Polynesia. Tahiti and Samoa are in Polynesia, which means “many islands.”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Polynesia1

C18: via French from poly- + Greek nēsos island
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Example Sentences

The new analysis generally aligns with archaeological estimates of human migrations across eastern Polynesia from roughly 900 to 1250.

Comparisons of present-day Polynesians’ DNA indicate that sea journeys launched from Samoa in western Polynesia headed south and then east, reaching Rarotonga in the Cook Islands by around the year 830.

I hear the mention of countries such as China, Japan, “somewhere in Africa or South America,” or Polynesia.

Polynesia is covered in them, Madagascar has plenty, and the Caribbean is home to many as well.

Only a larger genetic study can resolve whether South Americans voyaged to Polynesia or vice versa, Moreno-Estrada says.

The moment Captain Strathmore learned these facts, he caused an abrupt change to be made in the course of the Polynesia.

The stranger instantly reversed her screw, while the Polynesia was equally prompt in her backward movement.

The Polynesia had been running at half speed ever since the sun went down, and her whistle blew at irregular intervals.

His supposition was that she would be speedily missed from the Polynesia, which would at once make search for the schooner.

But no sign of the Polynesia 55 was discovered through the powerful binocular glasses with which Captain Bergen swept the horizon.




