
[ pruh-found, proh‐ ]
See synonyms for: profoundprofounds on

adjective,pro·found·er, pro·found·est.
  1. penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding: a profound thinker.

  2. originating in or penetrating to the depths of one's being: profound grief.

  1. being or going far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious: profound insight.

  2. of deep meaning; of great and broadly inclusive significance: a profound book.

  3. pervasive or intense; thorough; complete: a profound silence.

  4. extending, situated, or originating far down, or far beneath the surface: the profound depths of the ocean.

  5. bending or passing far downward; low: a profound bow.

  1. something that is profound.

  2. the deep sea; ocean.

Origin of profound

First recorded in 1275–1325; Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin profundus “deep, vast,” equivalent to pro- pro-1 + fundus “bottom” (see found1)

Other words for profound

Opposites for profound

Other words from profound

  • pro·found·ly, adverb
  • pro·found·ness, noun
  • un·pro·found, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use profound in a sentence

  • Once a footfall passed the gate, and she shrank back into her corner; but the steps died away and left a profounder quiet.

    Summer | Edith Wharton
  • Art still profounder was perhaps shown in the configuration of the nose.

  • No man alive held the stale old adage of “Beauty when unadorned,” etc., in profounder scorn.

    Sword and Gown | George A. Lawrence
  • It is rather the profounder advantage whereby the rhymes are freighted with such feeling as the very language keeps in store.

    Ceres' Runaway | Alice Meynell
  • No note from the horn of an automobile broke forth in answer; there was only a profounder stillness.

    "Persons Unknown" | Virginia Tracy

British Dictionary definitions for profound


/ (prəˈfaʊnd) /

  1. penetrating deeply into subjects or ideas: a profound mind

  2. showing or requiring great knowledge or understanding: a profound treatise

  1. situated at or extending to a great depth

  2. reaching to or stemming from the depths of one's nature: profound regret

  3. intense or absolute: profound silence

  4. thoroughgoing; extensive: profound changes

  1. archaic, or literary a great depth; abyss

Origin of profound

C14: from Old French profund, from Latin profundus deep, from pro- 1 + fundus bottom

Derived forms of profound

  • profoundly, adverb
  • profoundness or profundity (prəˈfʌndɪtɪ), noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012