

View synonyms for promiscuity


[ prom-i-skyoo-i-tee, proh-mi- ]


, plural prom·is·cu·i·ties
  1. the state of being promiscuous.
  2. promiscuous sexual behavior.
  3. an indiscriminate mixture.

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Other Words From

  • hyper·promis·cui·ty noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of promiscuity1

First recorded in 1840–50; promiscu(ous) + -ity; compare French promiscuité
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Example Sentences

Such “undesirable” traits could be anything from mental and physical disabilities to supposed moral failings, such as promiscuity.

Her bisexuality was scandalous then, as was her supposed promiscuity.

Yet these shows can conflate promiscuity with unhappiness and instability, especially for female characters.

From Time

Probably to save face, the family accused her of promiscuity and feeblemindedness, and in 1924, she was committed to the same colony as her mother.

Particularly, Prokopios attacks Empress Theodora for her sexual promiscuity.

From Time

The doctrines, which drew on the likes of Wilhelm Reich, replaced absolute fidelity with ordained promiscuity.

The dissatisfaction likely does not result from promiscuity, but from a lack of understanding of intimacy.

There was lot of promiscuity in my family, but everyone was pretending that they were pious and perfect.

It sounds like a scenario straight out of a Monday morning high school hallway following a weekend of partying and promiscuity.

And new forms of contraception are still condemned as “promiscuity pills.”

Human parthenogenesis is less absurd: it offers an order, and promiscuity is a disorder.

But social promiscuity is impossible by the further reason that woman, the more feeble, would be crushed by it.

But this easiness is only possible, in promiscuity, which is possibly a worse ill than aberration.

In tropical countries, where there is great promiscuity of life, one is led to expect their almost universal presence.

The Anarchist shoemaker's solution was to break down all the prejudices against sexual promiscuity.





prominent mothpromiscuous