

View synonyms for remnant


[ rem-nuhnt ]


  1. a remaining, usually small part, quantity, number, or the like.

    Synonyms: remains, rest, residuum, residue, remainder

  2. a fragment or scrap.
  3. a small, unsold or unused piece of cloth, lace, etc., as at the end of a bolt.
  4. a trace; vestige:

    remnants of former greatness.


  1. remaining; leftover.


/ ˈrɛmnənt /


  1. often plural a part left over after use, processing, etc
  2. a surviving trace or vestige, as of a former era

    a remnant of imperialism

  3. a piece of material from the end of a roll, sold at a lower price


  1. remaining; left over

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Other Words From

  • remnant·al adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of remnant1

1300–50; Middle English remna ( u ) nt, contraction of remenant < Old French, present participle of remenoir to remain

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Word History and Origins

Origin of remnant1

C14: from Old French remenant remaining, from remanoir to remain

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Example Sentences

My dad had worked for a while as a ranch hand, and his “Open Road” was a remnant of those days.

“There is a little remnant of humanity in Tywin Lannister,” he says.

Then they install sump pumps to remove remnant toxic waters.

And, whereas the townspeople start rioting and attacking the chain-smoking cult the Guilty Remnant, Nora is at peace.

Jewish or Christian thinkers would speak of a righteous remnant.

The Spaniards, indeed, feigned to regard them only as a remnant of the rebels who had joined the pre-existing brigand bands.

A remnant of the long parliament assembled during the anarchy, and has been termed the rump.

This imputation on his son was too much for the small remnant of patience that remained to the Duke.

When the main French columns were deployed, Lannes, with the remnant of his indomitable corps, had a brief period of rest.

Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel who are carried by my bowels, are borne up by my womb.



