

Rhodes scholarship


  1. one of a number of scholarships at Oxford University, established by the will of Cecil Rhodes, for selected students Rhodes scholars from the British Commonwealth and the United States.

Rhodes scholarship


  1. one of 72 scholarships founded by Cecil Rhodes, awarded annually on merit to Commonwealth and US students to study for two or sometimes three years at Oxford University
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Rhodes scholarship

  1. A scholarship for study at Oxford University . Cecil Rhodes, an English financier of the late nineteenth century, established the scholarships to train potential leaders. They are designed for students from Germany and from nations formerly part of the British Empire , including the United States. Rhodes scholars are chosen for ability, moral character, and success in sports.
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Derived Forms

  • Rhodes scholar, noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of Rhodes scholarship1

First recorded in 1900–05
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Example Sentences

While at Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship, he learned of an expedition to the Amazon that would prove life-changing.

In June of this year, Balwit wrote about A.I. regulation for Asterisk Magazine; her bio mentions her roles at Anthropic and FHI, and that she was selected for a Rhodes scholarship.

From Slate

During her senior year at the University of Virginia, Balwit worked as a legislative intern for Sen. Ron Wyden and earned a Rhodes scholarship, which granted her the opportunity to study philosophy at Oxford University in 2021.

From Slate

The prize is awarded by a new $1 billion initiative supported by a former Google CEO, in partnership with the same foundation that funds the prestigious Rhodes scholarship.

After graduating from Bethany in 1957, where he was recommended for a Rhodes Scholarship and became an American citizen, he earned a law degree from New York University in 1960 and a doctorate and a master’s of law degree from Harvard Law School.


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More About Rhodes Scholarship

What is the Rhodes scholarship?

The Rhodes scholarship is an endowment offered at Oxford University and given to selected students from around the world for postgraduate study.

The Rhodes scholarship is offered to students from outside the United Kingdom to study in various fields at Oxford University. The scholarship is mainly offered to students in Rhodes constituencies—a specific list of countries and other geographic areas—such as East Africa, Israel, and the United States.

The Rhodes scholarship is specifically for postgraduate study, such as earning a second bachelor’s degree, two master’s degrees, or several options for doctoral degrees. Typically, the scholarship covers education fees, living expenses, and one flight each to and from the student’s home country.

Students who receive Rhodes scholarships are referred to as Rhodes scholars.

When is the Rhodes scholarship given out?

Rhodes scholarships begin annually in the October following the announcement of the Rhodes scholars. American Rhodes scholars are announced on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

For example, the 2022 US class of Rhodes scholars was announced on November 20, 2021 and they will begin their studies in October 2022.

More information and context on the Rhodes scholarship

The Rhodes scholarship was created in 1902 in the will of imperialist businessman Cecil Rhodes, with the first scholarship awarded in 1903. Rhodes played a major role in Britain annexing South Africa in the 1800s and wanted the scholarship to help create unity among English-speaking countries. The Rhodes Trust manages the scholarship and selects its recipients. Despite its goal of unity, Rhodes and several of his successors at the Rhodes Trust excluded some groups from the scholarship for years. Today, the scholarship is available to students worldwide and to men and women. To ensure that each year’s class of Rhodes scholars is culturally diverse, scholarships are awarded at different rates depending on the locations students apply from.

What are some terms that often get used in discussing the Rhodes scholarship?

How is the Rhodes scholarship discussed in real life?

The Rhodes scholarship is a well-known award that is viewed as very prestigious.



Try using Rhodes scholarship!

True or False?

Only Oxford University undergraduate students can apply for the Rhodes scholarship.


