[ sing-gyuh-lar-i-tee ]
- the state, fact, or quality of being singular.
- a singular, unusual, or unique quality; peculiarity.
- Mathematics. singular point.
- Astronomy. (in general relativity) the mathematical representation of a black hole.
- Usually the singularity. Also called technological singularity. a hypothesized future era or event when exponential improvements in computer intelligence and advances in technology will result in an acute change in human society and evolution.
/ ˌsɪŋɡjʊˈlærɪtɪ /
- the state, fact, or quality of being singular
- something distinguishing a person or thing from others
- something remarkable or unusual
- maths
- a point at which a function is not differentiable although it is differentiable in a neighbourhood of that point See also pole 2
- another word for discontinuity
- astronomy a hypothetical point in space-time at which matter is infinitely compressed to infinitesimal volume
/ sĭng′gyə-lăr′ĭ-tē /
- A point of infinite density and infinitesimal volume, at which space and time become infinitely distorted according to the theory of General Relativity. According to the big bang theory, a gravitational singularity existed at the beginning of the universe. Singularities are also believed to exist at the center of black holes.
- Mathematics.A point at which the derivative does not exist for a given function but every neighborhood of which contains points for which the derivative exists.
Other Words From
- nonsin·gu·lari·ty noun plural nonsingularities
Word History and Origins
Origin of singularity1
Example Sentences
Explore 13 paintings and two related sculptures curated by Cecilia Wichmann that reveal artist Tschabalala Self’s depth, intricacy, and singularity.
The real singularity was that point at which specific information about the world, about experiences, about ideas, about inventions and creations, began to live alongside us.
They also talk about the technological singularity, the idea that there could come a point of such extraordinary growth in the sophistication of technology that there’s a transformation.
We need to be doing a better job of hazard assessments, and not examining hazards in singularity.
She relates events as they happen to her but only inconsistently anchors them in the details, dialogue or personal emotions that would give Pheby’s character texture and singularity.
That sense of self-enforced singularity—the feeling that he's the last of the Mohicans—is a big part of White's appeal.
Kurzweil is known for his view on the technological singularity, a moment in which man transcends his biological limits.
The effect of the singularity not on an AI, but on an actual human mind—a mind that has been uploaded.
The singularity as well as the high level of quality of their collections particularly impressed the experts.
The Culture is a post-singularity, anarcho-capitalist society, with technology that outpaces our own.
She was struck with his singularity, and impressed with an instinctive consciousness of his peculiar genius.
With his evasive singularity was mingled a certain exotic odour like the distant perfume of a country well loved of the sun.
Sebastian Joseph de Pontchasteau, a French author, died; remarkable for the singularity of his acts of devotion and charity.
Dr. Bates's singularity in not rising up nor drinking the King's nor other healths at the table was very much observed.
They erred from feeling, an error so very rare with them, that it might be pardoned even for its singularity.
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