/ ˈslæʃə /
- a person or thing that slashes
- a wooden-handled cutting tool or tractor-drawn machine used for cutting scrub or undergrowth in the bush
Example Sentences
However, they have to respect the slasher films that came before to solve a new mystery.
At their core, the Scream movies aren’t teen slasher films, but are bloodsoaked whodunnits in which anyone and everyone is a possible suspect.
Gone, for the most part, was the particular magic of the unreflective slasher flick, and its stranglehold on the public imagination.
Until Dawn is the closest that video games have come to a playable slasher film.
This makes for some skillfully paced, pop-culturally literate, yet quite generic, slasher fare.
The slasher film series Friday the 13th is well known for its homicidal tendencies.
Halloween also helped spawn the slasher film genre, and provided the genre with many of its tropes.
For a generation raised on slasher flicks and fountains of gibbering gore this film would be an Ativan.
Several days earlier, the Chinese Twitter-like microblog called Weibo had circulated reports of a serial subway slasher.
However reactionary a sycophant to rich people and slasher of programs for others he might be, he is the governor.
There must be a splendid operation, though, to-morrow—magnificent sight if Slasher does it.'
But there must be a splendid operation, though, on the morrow—magnificent sight if Slasher did it!
"We'll act here;" and all, even the Valiant Slasher, pressed in as quickly as possible.
Yes, Slasher, thou hadst better go, Else the next time he'll pierce thee through.
I cull these flowers of speech from a wreath placed by a critic of the Slasher on my own early brow.