
[ sod ]
See synonyms for: sodsodded on

  1. a section cut or torn from the surface of grassland, containing the matted roots of grass.

  2. the surface of the ground, especially when covered with grass; turf; sward.

verb (used with object),sod·ded, sod·ding.
  1. to cover with sods or sod.

Origin of sod

First recorded in 1475–1525; late Middle English sod(de), from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German sode “turf”

Other words from sod

  • sodless, adjective

Other definitions for sod (2 of 3)

[ sod ]

  1. simple past tense of seethe.

Other definitions for sod (3 of 3)

[ sod ]

nounChiefly British Slang: Vulgar.
  1. a chap; fellow; guy: You almost feel sorry for the poor sod.

  2. an inconsequential, annoying, or unpleasant person.

  1. Older Use. a gay man.

verb (used with object),sod·ded, sod·ding.Chiefly British Slang: Vulgar.
  1. to damn: Sod the bloody bastard!

Verb PhrasesChiefly British Slang: Vulgar.
  1. sod off, to leave (usually as an imperative): Why don't you just sod off!

Origin of sod

First recorded in 1810–15; by shortening of sodomite Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use sod in a sentence

  • If the turf or grass is poor it will be better to omit sodding entirely and sow the surface with seed.

    Making a Tennis Court | George E. Walsh
  • LIKE seeding, sodding should be done in the early spring or fall to get the best results.

    Making a Lawn | Luke Joseph Doogue
  • It is a good thing to have the sodding and the paving in the same contract.

    Convenient Houses | Louis Henry Gibson
  • The sod which is best adapted to the Sodding of lawns is that which comes from an old, closely grazed pasture.

  • The largest detail was known as the Fort detail, building and sodding a fort on the Potomac side.

    The Southern Soldier Boy | James Carson Elliott

British Dictionary definitions for sod (1 of 2)


/ (sɒd) /

  1. a piece of grass-covered surface soil held together by the roots of the grass; turf

  2. poetic the ground

verbsods, sodding or sodded
  1. (tr) to cover with sods

Origin of sod

C15: from Low German; compare Middle Low German, Middle Dutch sode; related to Old Frisian sātha

British Dictionary definitions for sod (2 of 2)


/ (sɒd) slang, mainly British /

  1. a person considered to be obnoxious

  2. a jocular word for a person: the poor sod hasn't been out for weeks

  1. sod all slang nothing

  1. sod it a strong exclamation of annoyance

Origin of sod

C19: shortened from sodomite

Derived forms of sod

  • sodding, adjective

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012