

South Africa


  1. Republic of South Africa, a country in southern Africa; member of the Commonwealth of Nations until 1961. 472,000 sq. mi. (1,222,480 sq. km). Capitals: Pretoria and Cape Town.

South Africa


  1. Republic of South Africa
    a republic occupying the southernmost part of the African continent: the Dutch Cape Colony (1652) was acquired by Britain in 1806 and British victory in the Boer War resulted in the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910, which became a republic in 1961; implementation of the apartheid system began in 1948 and was abolished, following an intense civil rights campaign, in 1993, with multiracial elections held in 1994; a member of the Commonwealth, it withdrew in 1961 but was re-admitted in 1994. Mainly plateau with mountains in the south and east. Mineral production includes gold, diamonds, coal, and copper. Official languages: Afrikaans; English; Ndebele; Pedi; South Sotho; Swazi; Tsonga; Tswana; Venda; Xhosa; Zulu. Religion: Christian majority. Currency: rand. Capitals: Cape Town (legislative), Pretoria (administrative), Bloemfontein (judicial). Pop: 48 601 098 (2013 est). Area: 1 221 044 sq km (471 445 sq miles) Former name (1910–61)Union of South Africa
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

South Africa

  1. Officially the Republic of South Africa , a nation at the southern tip of Africa spanning the Cape of Good Hope where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean . It is bordered by Namibia , Botswana , and Zimbabwe to the north, and Mozambique to the northeast. Its capitals are Pretoria for its administrative government and Cape Town for its legislature. ( See also Johannesburg .)

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Under President F. W. De Klerk, the white minority government released Mandela from jail in 1990 and repealed some of the major laws establishing apartheid. In 1994, the ANC triumphed in elections and Mandela became president. As president, Mandela appointed a truth commission to document human-rights abuses under apartheid.
Black South Africans, who constitute approximately seventy percent of the nation, protested the racist policies of the white minority through organizations such as the African National Congress (ANC), headed by Nelson Mandela , who spent much of his life in jail as a political prisoner.
Dutch settlers, known as Boers , were the first Europeans to migrate in large numbers to the territories that now make up South Africa. Britain was granted the territory surrounding the Cape of Good Hope at the Congress of Vienna , and friction between the British and Dutch remained a constant in the region. Tensions were increased by the discovery of gold and diamonds in the late nineteenth century and came to a head in the Boer War (1899–1902), in which the British defeated the Dutch-descended Afrikaners.
South Africa's policy of apartheid , the aggressive separation of the races and enforcement of the inferior political status of all nonwhites, was the hallmark of its internal political system. South Africa's race policies became the subject of international protest and economic sanctions.
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Example Sentences

They analyzed the soft chirps of mole-rats in captivity, both in Berlin and half a world away, at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.

The vaccine was more than 80 percent effective at preventing severe illness in South Africa.

Since 2014, the contest has crowned winners from South Africa and Ghana.

From Ozy

BDS is modeled on the successful boycott campaign that targeted Apartheid South Africa.

“I don’t see why South Africa and Kenya can’t produce vaccines and why Ethiopia and Botswana can’t finish and fill,” says Bloom.

Remember, this is a show that has a viewership of millions; even here in South Africa, we know who Kimmel is.

Louisa also devotes much of her time to feeding underprivileged children in the desolate Kurland Village in South Africa.

In the same interview with the Guardian, he started a diplomatic war with South Africa.

A girl from South Africa, with short hair and a sour face marrying the Prince?

She has made little secret of the fact she would rather be back in South Africa, or London, or Paris, or anywhere but Monaco.

The winter of 1897-98 was spent by Mr. Kipling and his family, accompanied by his father, in South Africa.

Later on he went to South Africa, where in the diamond mines he met with great success and made a large fortune.

In South Africa gold and diamonds are plentiful; and Newfoundland has wonderful deposits of iron ore.

I have now been in India for over two years and a half after my return from South Africa.

The latest news from South Africa would seem to show that Beyers are sometimes sold.





southSouth African