


  1. variant of spleno- before a vowel:


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Example Sentences

So, Aunt Esther's confidence, about the "splen'id talk," was not without a reasonable basis.

Splen′didness; Splen′dour, the appearance of anything splendid: brilliance: magnificence.

That decided us to make a flag room of ours, and Gussie said it was a splen-did idea.

A splen-did, a su-pairb vessel, so swift to sail, so perfect to manoeuvre.


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Words That Use Splen-

What does splen- mean?

Splen- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “spleen,” representing the word spleen, an organ in the abdomen that helps regulate blood and is part of the immune system. It’s often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy and pathology.

Splen- comes from the Greek splḗn, meaning “spleen.”

Splen- is a variant of spleno-, which loses its -o– when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use spleno- article.

Examples of splen-

One example of a medical term you may have encountered that uses the combining form splen- is splenectomy, “excision or removal of the spleen.” A splenectomy is also known as a lienectomy,

The first part of the word, splen-, means “spleen.” The second part, the combining form, -ectomy, means “excision.” Splenectomy literally translates to “spleen excision.”

What are some words that use or are related to the combining form splen-?

What are some other forms that splen- may be commonly confused with?

Despite beginning with the letters splen-, the words splendor and splendid do not use this combining form for the spleen. You can find out more about where these dazzling words come from in our entries for each term.

Break it down!

The combining form algia means “pain.” With this in mind, what is splenalgia?



