[ stroh-ler ]
- a person who takes a leisurely walk; saunterer.
- a wanderer; vagrant.
- an itinerant performer.
- a four-wheeled, often collapsible, chairlike carriage in which small children are pushed.
Example Sentences
Just like that, the plan changed, the running stroller and one earbud came out, Ambient Mode replaced ANC, and I set out on a very different outing.
Proper wrist ergonomics is your first line of defense against injury, especially at your keyboard and when lifting or pushing anything, from strollers to groceries.
“Getting outside and taking your baby for a walk in a stroller is something that a lot of people take for granted,” Chelsie said.
Thankfully, there are plenty of portable fans out there that can easily attach to your stroller, ensuring your little one stays cool on a warm day.
As they fled, the Nirs said, they saw a man running to the doors, pushing a stroller.
He was holding up a paper as a woman approached with a child on her left hip, pushing an empty stroller with her right hand.
I parked the stroller at the base of the metal slide and wrestled Julia in her bulky snowsuit out of the belted contraption.
I put her back into the stroller and trudged uphill back to the apartment, stunned.
The backup-man stops stroller traffic on the sidewalk, another fireman is road guard.
She learned that somebody had fired at a man pushing a stroller and ended up killing a 1-year-old boy.
When I was going, up got my old stroller, and off with his hat. '
The rpertoire of each stroller would vary indefinitely from those of all the others.
Lady Charlotte's house was at the distance of a stroller's half-hour across Hyde Park westward from his own.
When the talented stroller died in 1567, he was honored with a costly funeral, and solemnly interred in the cathedral of Cordova.
"I am not a vagrant or a stroller, sir," said Jeanie, a little roused by the supposition.