


[ suh-stey-nuh-blee ]


  1. in a way that allows for continual use of a natural resource without depleting it or causing environmental damage:

    sustainably grown coffee.

  2. in a way that can be sustained in the long term:

    a sustainably profitable business.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of sustainably1

First recorded in 1840–45; sustainable ( def ) + -ly ( def )
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Example Sentences

Still, vegan and vegetarian options are trending like never before, likely because more customers are interested in eating sustainably.

Just because we haven’t been traveling doesn’t mean our favorite destinations weren’t busy creating new adventures, thinking more sustainably, and capitalizing on the pandemic-driven outdoor boom.

We wanted to understand if people would be motivated to shop more sustainably, and the results were very surprising to us in the positive sense of the word.

From Fortune

For retail startups, it’s a back to basics — operating with the understanding that growth likely won’t hit the billions of dollars and instead should focus on sustainably growing fundamentals.

From Digiday

While digital channels continue to fluctuate, companies are seeking out other ways to more sustainably find new customers.

From Digiday

In fact, it takes more than $48,000 a year just to live sustainably in the cheapest parts of the United States.

They have been fighting back, putting pressure on conglomerates like Cargill to harvest oil palms sustainably.

Its model has the potential to sustainably improve sanitation in dense, urban areas unequipped with a proper sewage grid.

Eventually, they say, streets could be lit sustainably with glowing trees.

You can sustainably harvest a forest while destroying the forest ecosystem, and this same concept applies to the ocean.





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