

View synonyms for tracing


[ trey-sing ]


  1. the act of a person or thing that traces.
  2. something that is produced by tracing.
  3. a copy of a drawing, map, plan, etc., made by tracing on a transparent sheet placed over the original.
  4. the record made by a self-registering instrument.


/ ˈtreɪsɪŋ /


  1. a copy made by tracing
  2. the act of making a trace
  3. a record made by an instrument
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of tracing1

Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; trace 1, -ing 1
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Example Sentences

You can ask anybody who draws and they’ll tell you that these are the tracing pens you should get.

Then, with contact tracing, they hoped to map how often vaccinated students spread the virus.

Through contact tracing, officials learned Samsonov had spent time with three teammates — Ovechkin, Orlov and center Evgeny Kuznetsov — in a Pittsburgh hotel room during a road trip to start the season.

Through contact tracing, officials learned Samsonov had spent time with three teammates — Ovechkin, Orlov and center Evgeny Kuznetsov — in a Pittsburgh hotel room during a road trip at the start of the season.

Throughout this season, the NBA has sought to maintain schedule flexibility as it juggles positive tests by players and contact tracing efforts that have led to more than 20 postponed games.

What was the process like in tracing through these memories?

Fans and novices soon became swept up in the movement, tracing each work like buried treasure.

Turning the tide of the epidemic, he says, will require “rigorous contact, tracing, and quarantining.”

But actually, contact tracing is the core principle of all public-health endeavors.

In other words, contact tracing with appropriate surveillance of those at risk has worked exactly according to plan.

His researches soon came to the ears of the police, still tracing the mysterious José Puégas.

Sometimes the tracing down may have been done by some advanced pupil or competent assistant.

Tracing back Tchaikovskys pedigree, we do not find a single name connected with music.

In tracing the natural history of a public-house I have found the respectable dullards the most revolting of my subjects.

It is necessary to go back some years for the purpose of tracing the origin and progress of this quarrel.





trachytictracing paper