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[ truhst ]


, Heraldry.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of trussed1

1400–50; late Middle English; truss, -ed 2
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Example Sentences

Recently, Claire Conrad, 36, found herself trussed up in stirrups—and not in a fun way.

In lieu of a traditional runway, Lagerfeld had the Grand Palais trussed up as an artificial city.

He and Bulger than trussed up her body and stuffed it in a bag.

My hands, which had been released long enough for me to eat, were trussed up again.

Take a large fowl, and when trussed put a lump of butter inside it, and cover the breast with fat bacon.

Put, having trussed, six quails in a stewpan wrapped in slices of bacon.

In a moment three scared sailors awoke from dreams of their Breton homes, and were trussed with sailor skill.

Almost before he realized that anything had happened, he was trussed to a tree and securely gagged.


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