

View synonyms for unbending


[ uhn-ben-ding ]


  1. not bending or curving; inflexible; rigid.
  2. refusing to yield or compromise; resolute.
  3. austere or formal; aloof.


/ ʌnˈbɛndɪŋ /


  1. rigid or inflexible
  2. characterized by sternness or severity

    an unbending rule

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • unˈbendingly, adverb
  • unˈbendingness, noun
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Other Words From

  • un·bending·ly adverb
  • un·bending·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of unbending1

First recorded in 1545–55; un- 1 + bend 1( def ) + -ing 2( def )
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Example Sentences

An ironic observer with an unbending will, he prefers the quiet freedom of his own thoughts to the aggressive clamor of those around him who mistakenly believe they can control how he thinks.

It reminded him that pure, unbending clarity of purpose existed, just not in himself.

But the most credible thing to do was ignored by the majority: follow the “textualist” philosophy these justices claim as their unbending guide.

From Salon

“I changed some things. But I was unbending on the bar, especially since it was in the renderings, and they had shown it on social media.”

Though she loves to present like any other, round-the-way gal: at 62, she remains remarkably regal — unyielding and unbending as one of the last striking figures of a pale Fox football team these days.



