/ ˈjæŋktsɪ; ˈjæŋtsɪ /
- the longest river in China, rising in SE Qinghai province and flowing east to the East China Sea near Shanghai: a major commercial waterway in one of the most densely populated areas of the world. The Three Gorges dam near Yichang, the world's biggest hydroelectric and flood-control project, was begun in 1994 and the dam was completed in 2003, with filling taking several years thereafter. Length: 5528 km (3434 miles) AlsoYangtze KiangChang JiangChang
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Example Sentences
The Yangtze is the third largest river in the world and navigable 400 miles beyond Hankow, or 1000 miles in all.
From Project Gutenberg
Think not that the life will be luxurious—houseboat life on the Upper Yangtze is decidedly not luxurious.
From Project Gutenberg
A wu-pan (literally wu of five and pan of boards) is a small boat, the smallest used by travelers on the Upper Yangtze.
From Project Gutenberg
So he was allowed to take the vows, and when his head had been shaven was named: “The Monk of the Yangtze-kiang.”
From Project Gutenberg
Then the monk of the Yangtze-kiang realized that this was his mother and he took the bloody writing out and gave it to her.
From Project Gutenberg