Yearly Archives: 2021

  1. Monotheism vs. Polytheism: What’s The Difference?

    By some estimates, there are more than 4,000 religions in the world. And while these beliefs vary widely, many of them can be generally categorized as forms of either monotheism or polytheism. The difference has to do with whether followers believe in or worship a single deity (supreme being) or multiple ones. In this article, we’ll break down the difference, provide examples of monotheism and …

  2. Timber vs. Lumber: Split The Difference

    Timber and lumber sound a lot alike, and they both generally refer to the same thing: wood. But when exactly is wood considered timber and when is it considered lumber? Join us as we split the differences between the meanings of timber and lumber, cover the ways they overlap, and explain why timberjack (yes, it’s a word) might be more accurate than lumberjack. Hint: there’s …

  3. The Story Behind “It Was A Dark And Stormy Night”

    It was a dark and stormy night when the writer turned to for synonyms and definitions to make their writing pop. At least, it would be a dark and stormy night if said writer was basing a story on one of the most cliché (a trite, stereotyped expression that has lost all originality from being long overused) introductions to grace the page. If you’ve …

  4. “Aseptic” vs. “Sterile”: Do You Know The Difference?

    In medical care, there are few things more important than cleanliness. There are several different terms used in the context of keeping things germ-free, and the two most common are aseptic and sterile. In many cases, they mean just about the same thing, but each one is often applied to specific situations. Scrub in, mask up, and join us as we examine the differences between …

  5. libra symbol astrology

    Listen Up, Libras: These Words Are All About You

    Just as the leaves start to turn, and the scent of apple cider begins wafting through the air, the season of Libra is upon us. Lovely Libras are those people born between September 23–October 23. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is one of the three air signs (Gemini and Aquarius are the other two). The word Libra dates back to 1350–1400. …

  6. Cyclone vs. Typhoon vs. Hurricane vs. Tornado: Are They All The Same?

    Cyclone, hurricane, and typhoon are all terms for big storms. Are they all the same thing? What’s the difference? Join us on this whirlwind tour as we answer these questions and more: What’s the difference between a cyclone, a hurricane, and a typhoon? What’s the difference between a tropical cyclone, a tropical depression, and a tropical storm? Why are some tropical cyclones called hurricanes and …

  7. “Prospective” vs. “Perspective”: Get The Best View On The Difference

    The difference between prospective and perspective is all in how you look at it. Prospective is used in the context of looking ahead to what might happen in the future. Perspective is used in the context of viewpoints or the position from which something is viewed. The difference can be confusing, especially since they sound so much alike. We’ll break down the difference in meaning, …

  8. Concurrent vs. Consecutive: Learn The Difference

    You’ve probably noticed that there’s a lot going on in the world right now, and you may have noticed people using words like concurrent and consecutive to describe these events. That’s fitting, because they’re used to describe things happening at the same time or one after another. It can be easy to forget exactly when each one should be used, so we’re here to help …

  9. Interpolation vs. Extrapolation: What’s The Difference?

    The words interpolation and extrapolation may sound super technical, but they’re actually not all that complicated. Each term is used slightly differently depending on whether it’s being used generally or in the context of math and data science. But we’ll help you sort all that out. In this article, we’ll discuss their more specific technical usage (hint: it tends to involve data sequences), cover the …

  10. Was There A Real Uncle Sam?

    There are many famous cartoon figures in American culture, but only one that’s regularly paired with the pointed statement that it wants you (yes, YOU) to do something: Uncle Sam. What Uncle Sam wants you for varies. Historically he has most often wanted you to join the Army, though twists and variations abound. Uncle Sam himself, however, almost always has a white goatee and white …

  11. The Language Legacy Of 9/11: How A Single Day Changed Our Language

    It would be hard to pack more history, context, and visceral meaning into two numbers than we do in the term 9/11. That day changed so much—about the world, modern life, and even the language we use. And so much has changed in the 22 years since. On this anniversary, we’ll look at some of the ways in which the far-reaching consequences of the 9/11 …

  12. “Ingress” vs. “Egress”: Do You Know The Difference?

    Ingress and egress look and sound like they’re opposites, and they are. They’re primarily used in the context of entrances and exits, especially in architecture and other fields related to planning how people get in and out of places. You can probably guess from the in in ingress that it generally means “the act of going in” or refers to an entryway. But there’s a …