
  1. Why “Misinformation” Was’s 2018 Word Of The Year

    Our 2018 Word of the Year Is … Misinformation The rampant spread of misinformation poses new challenges for navigating life in 2018. As a dictionary, we believe understanding the concept is vital to identifying misinformation in the wild, and ultimately curbing its impact. But what does misinformation mean? defines it as “false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead.” The …

  2. Explain The Difference Between Enemy vs. Nemesis

    Who do you think would win an epic showdown like this one? We often see these words used interchangeably, but there are some subtle differences between them. An enemy is a foe who’s hostile toward the protagonist (or central character) of a story. A nemesis is an opponent or rival whom a protagonist can’t overcome. The Enemy In literature, an enemy is often referred to …

  3. Cheesecake, Racketeering, And Other Trending Words On

    Food, food, glorious food made its presence known in a big way on this Thanksgiving week edition of the Trending Words list. From a rarely used plural for beef to a beef over the proper way to describe cheesecake, here’s what had you searching November 16–23, 2018! Cheesecake If there’s one thing Americans love, it’s food. We have a whole holiday centered around consuming …

  4. Why “Boys Will Be Boys” But Not “Girls Will Be Girls”?

    Boys will be boys. It’s an idiom we hear tossed around far too often. But, what does it actually mean, and why did we ever start saying it? And … what about girls—who or what will they be? Who decided boys will be boys, anyway? The phrase boys will be boys was first recorded in English in 1589. It originated from a Latin proverb: “Children (boys) …

  5. 10 Times Idioms Were Used Incorrectly In Famous Situations

  6. Why The Turducken Is One Of The Best Word Plays Of All Time

    It’s Thanksgiving time, and while some folks will be piling their plates with turkey and mashed potatoes, we can’t pass on the opportunity to consider a dish named with one of the greatest portmanteaus of all time: the turducken. Let’s talk turducken A portmanteau is a blended word that’s made by putting together parts of other words—like motel, made from motor and hotel, or brunch, …

  7. yinz

    Yinz is a Pittsburgh equivalent to y'all. It is used to address two or more people as a second-person plural pronoun.
  8. Who Is Wednesday Named For?

    Where did the name Wednesday come from? Surprise, surprise … Wednesday Addams wasn’t the originator of the name. In fact, the name Wednesday actually derives from two mighty but distinct gods. The Old English word for Wednesday indicates that the day was named for the Germanic god Woden. In Romance languages, the name is derived from the Roman god Mercury. (For example, Wednesday is mercredi in French and miercuri …

  9. What’s The Difference Between Socialism vs. Communism?

    What is socialism? Socialism has three main meanings: 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. 2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory. 3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to …

  10. Footages, Religiosity, And Other Trending Words On

    Halloween. Cardi B. And, of course, the goings on in Washington D.C. They all had an effect on’s trending words list for October 26–November 2, 2018. But, how much and what words? Dig in, and find out! Footages Convinced Cardi B had made up the word footages in an Instagram video, thousands of fans rushed to to find out whether the “I Like …

  11. Ghost Words That Are Haunting The Dictionary

  12. The Most Notorious Nicknames In History

    Nicknames are usually cute endearments we give to friends or loved ones. But sometimes, we attribute nicknames to infamous figures of notoriety. Think "Ivan the Terrible" or "The Butcher of Bosnia" or Vlad the Impaler." Here are the most notorious nicknames in history.