Search Results for: 'tis the season

  1. pasta shapes new

    All The Pasta Shape Names Explained: How Many Do You Know?

    The world of pasta is filled with endless pastabilities thanks to a vast variety of shapes and sizes. Each noodle shape has a name that might seem random if you’re not caught up on your Italian, but with a little help on the translation, it will all start to make more sense. Think you know it all? We’ll go beyond spaghetti and penne and even serve …

  2. esports

    Go From Casual To Speedruns With This Gaming Slang

    Just like any other close-knit community, the gaming community has its own commonly used slang words and phrases—and navigating them can be tough for a noob. Whether you’re acting pretty sus in Among Us or carrying the team in a game of League of Legends, you’re bound to pick up a few new words and phrases. So hit the pause button and take a peek at …

  3. All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)

    How can a word be insulting sometimes … but not always? One of the many complexities of English is the ability of words to have multiple definitions, which opens the door for some words to be both derogatory and not derogatory, depending on who is using them or when. These words can be confusing, especially to people who are just learning English and all of …

  4. Vocab Activities To Prepare For High School

    Prepare your middle school kids for high school with these vocab activities Do you have a middle-schooler preparing for high school? Challenge them with over 10 vocab activities designed for high school age students. Learning about roots of words Roots can form words in our current language by reconstructing original words from a parent language. Learn more about roots of words by looking for some …

  5. 7 Word Games To Play With Your Elf On The Shelf

    The holiday season has finally arrived, which means it’s time for the Elf On The Shelf to make its triumphant return! Whether you’re a seasoned elf parent, or this is your very first year introducing the concept, chances are you’re looking for some creative elf activities to keep your kids entertained all December long. While there are certainly plenty of ways for the Elf On …

  6. crypto new

    Cha-Ching! Here Are The Key Crypto Terms To Explain Digital Currencies

    Over the past couple years, there has been a lot of buzz around cryptocurrency. The nations of El Salvador and the Central African Republic have even gone so far as to adopt a cryptocurrency as one of their official currencies. However, for those of us who are old school and still use classic dollars and cents, cryptocurrency and its related lingo can be kind of …

  7. Getty

    Terms Used By People Who Identify As Two Or More Races

    by Nicole Holliday When I was a kid, I always just assumed that everyone in the world called people like me “mixed,” because in the 1990s in central Ohio, where I grew up, mixed almost always referred to folks like me, who had one black parent and one white parent. The community I grew up in had very few people who identified as anything other …

  8. Nazi vs. Fascist: Is There Really A Difference?

    Fascist and Nazi: these two words loom large in the history books and in heated conversations about politics—conversations that have far outlasted the regimes that originally embraced them. For many of us, the words fascist and Nazi bring to mind the worst dictators and crimes against humanity. But as these ideologies make the news in 2020, used especially in the context of a growing concern about …

  9. black hole blue filter

    20+ Engaging Science Vocabulary Activities For Elementary Students

    Help your students learn scientific vocabulary with these learning games! Science and English meet in these activities for elementary students that will help them understand the language of scientists and researchers. 💡 Learning animal vocabulary First, watch this video about words for baby animals. Activity 1: Complete this word search. Find the words they learned about in the video. Click the image to get the …

  10. word horoscopes

    2024 Word Horoscopes: A Lexical Exploration Of The Zodiac This Year

    A new year means new opportunities, adventures, and frontiers on the horizon. Astrological signs are a fun way to make predictions about what the future may hold or, at least, what we might expect! This article draws from three sources—Cafe Astrology, Elle (with predictions made by the AstroTwins), and Hermes Astrology. All predictions should be taken as entertainment.  Here are 12 key words, one for …

  11. The Forgotten Verses Of “The Star-Spangled Banner”

    Do you know all the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner”? Many people have difficulty memorizing the lyrics of the first verse of the US anthem, which is commonly performed at sports events and other public gatherings. But did you know that there are three additional verses that we almost never hear? As if one verse weren’t hard enough to learn … Why is the “Star-Spangled …

  12.’s Words To Inspire You For Earth Day

    We love the earth, it’s beautiful, amazing … and it needs our help. The phrase Earth Day originated in 1969. It means “a day’s observance of the need to protect the Earth’s environment, in many countries on April 22.” The first Earth Day was organized by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin in 1970. He was upset that politics and media were not addressing the concerns of our …