Search Results for: 'tis the season

  1. small town decorated for winter holidays

    Cozy, Hometown, and 15 More Words In Every Hallmark Holiday Movie

    It’s that time of year again. No, we aren’t just talking about the holidays. We mean that it’s officially Hallmark holiday movie season. Each year, there’s a new lineup of cozy, festive holiday romance movies to watch while you’re sipping hot cocoa or wrapping gifts. If you’re a fan of these movies, chances are you’ve noticed that they stick to several common romance tropes, like …

  2. 12 houses of astrology red text plus chart

    What Do The 12 Houses Mean In Astrology?

    Whether you’re an astrology devotee or a casual observer, you’re probably familiar with sun signs and horoscopes. But what would you say if someone asked what zodiac sign resides in your eighth house? Houses are kind of a big deal in astrology, but we aren’t talking about the ones with roofs and walls. These houses contain zodiac signs and planets that can tell you more …

  3. Japanese Words That Grab The Olympics Limelight

    The 2021 Olympics closed August 8 and the Summer Paralympics ended Sept. 5, and while we did enjoy the athletic feats on display, it eventually came time to say sayonara. Do you know why? Well, both the Summer Olympic Games and Paralympics, a multi-sport event that draws athletes with disabilities from more than 100 countries, took place in the island nation of Japan. Sayonara is one way …

  4. A dark blue background with an upside-down image of a man wearing virtual reality goggles. Imposed on the background is a list of words in white outline: UAP, parklet, memeify, new words [in bold white letters], metaverse, throuple, wabi-sabi

    From “Generation A” To “Zeitgeisty”: Over 200 New Words And Definitions Added To

    by Nick Norlen, Research Editor, and Heather Bonikowski, Lexicographer The latest update to reflects our mission to help make sense of the world through words. Of the hundreds of newly added terms, some define our times, notably those related to the ongoing COVID pandemic and climate emergency. Other updates cover important changes in how we talk about a vast range of topics, including disability, …

  5. beach view with palm trees and cabanas in teal filter.

    The Curious Name Origins of World-Famous Vacation Destinations

    As we enter the summer, you might be planning a big trip to have some fun during your summer vacation. If you want to gallivant across the globe, there’s no shortage of beautiful places full of interesting history to explore. And it’s worth noting (because we’re, after all) many cities around the world have fascinating stories about where their names came from. Before you …

  6. Xenophobia Was’s 2016 Word Of The Year

    At we aim to pick a Word of the Year that embodies a major theme resonating deeply in the cultural consciousness over the prior 12 months. This 2016, some of the most prominent news stories have centered around fear of the “other.” Fear is an adaptive part of human evolutionary history and often influences behaviors and perceptions on a subconscious level. However, this particular …

  7. trending word treatment, adoption terminology

    Positive Adoption Language: Terms To Use And Avoid

    Some of the traditional ways of talking about adoption may seem neutral or harmless, but many once widely used terms are now avoided due to carrying negative implications or associations. Taking time to understand and consider these implications is especially important at a time when many discussions and depictions of adoption are criticized for minimizing the perspectives and experiences of children awaiting adoption and people …

  8. Big Ben

    16 Words That Explain British Royal Family Traditions

    Royalty is built on ceremony and tradition, and these ceremonies and traditions are excruciatingly planned down to the slightest detail, often years in advance. Here are some key terms that explain the intricacies of British royal rituals and the places they are performed, including the elaborate funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, coronations, royal weddings, and the final resting places of British monarchs. lie in state …

  9. woman with finger over mouth

    Examples Of Every Letter Being Silent, With 1 Exception

    You probably already know that English features many, many words with silent letters—letters that appear in the word but aren’t pronounced and often make us wonder what they are even doing there. For example, the letter B in the words debt and thumb. Or whatever the heck is going on in the words colonel, queue, and bourgeoisie. Even though you’re probably already familiar with silent letters, …

  10. image of two hands holding each other on a blue blackground.

    How Conversion And Other Words Can Harm LGBTQ People

    by Rory Gory No matter your sexual orientation or gender identity, all people have something in common. There are many things in life that we can choose or change, such as how we decide to express ourselves, the relationships we commit to, or the dreams we pursue. And then there are things in life that happen to us whether or not we want them to: …

  11. measuring tape; green filter

    What Is The Longest Word In English? Here’s A List Of 15 Lengthy Words

    It should come as no surprise that we are word lovers. In fact, we are big word lovers in that we love really big words. To express our love, we looked around for some of the biggest, most ludicrously long words in the English language. In addition to pure length, we also tried to find:  the longest word without vowels the longest one-syllable word and …

  12. image of a cityscape reflected upon itself, in teal filter.

    Wrap Your Mind Around 10 Terms About The Multiverse

    If you’re one of the many fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you’ll know that Dr. Strange has the power to explore the multiverse. He can travel to other worlds and meet alternate versions of himself, maybe even one that isn’t inexplicably charming. In comic books and science fiction, the multiverse refers to a collection of different universes that include our own. But what about …