Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. Getty

    The Important Rise Of “#DemThrones”

    by Kimberly C. Ellis, PhD I remember that Sunday so clearly. I saw something called “#RedWedding” trending on Twitter and when I clicked on the hashtag, I discovered it was related to the hit television show Game of Thrones already into its third season. I decided that night I would find out about the show, watch it for the first time, and learn about this Red …

  2. Wooden Pinocchio doll with his long nose, teal filter

    bold-faced lie

    The term bold-faced lie refers to an obvious, shameless lie, one that the liar makes little or no effort to disguise as the truth. Bold-faced lie means the same thing as two other similar phrases,…
  3. Green background with three-leaved shamrocks

    18 St. Patrick’s Day Words To Celebrate The Day

    Every March, people around the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with parades, street parties, festivals, sing-alongs, arts exhibitions, and yes, green rivers (such as the Chicago River, dyed green with what’s essentially food coloring). What began as a feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has evolved into a worldwide celebration of Irish culture and heritage—and it’s hard to resist the temptation to look …

  4. Wrap Your Head Around These 26 Hard Words To Pronounce

    The pronunciation of words in English is not always straightforward. Unlike some languages, such as French or Spanish, there is not always a direct relationship between the spelling of words and how they are said aloud. In technical terms, there is not always a consistent relationship between graphemes (basically, writing units) and their phonemes (sounds) in English. There are a couple of reasons for this. The English …

  5. Mark Hanna Watkins

    A Linguistic Spotlight On Black Language Scholars

    The study of Black language is a complex and rich field. While many scholars focus their rigorous research on African American Vernacular English, others painstakingly examine pidgin languages, which are simplified versions of a language as used by speakers of different languages to communicate.  Still other scholars are renowned creolists who specialize in the study of the creole languages that emerge from mixtures of multiple …

  6. What Do ™ , ® , and © Mean? Decoding Trademark Symbols

    If you’ve ever purchased a product, read a book, or watched a movie (read: everyone currently on this page), then you’ve likely seen four symbols time and time again: ™, ®, ©, and ℠. They can be large or close to microscopic. No matter how small, however, they are powerful and convey a lot of meaning. So what’s the deal with each, and what makes …

  7. light blue text on dark blue background: supine vs. prone

    Supine vs. Prone: We Lay Out The Difference

    Prone and supine are both used in medical and anatomical contexts to describe a position in which a person is lying down, but they refer to different ways of facing—either face up or face down. In this article, we’ll break down the difference and provide clear explanations of other medical positions. In medical and anatomical contexts, supine position is the body position in which a …

  8. cool new

    You’ll Be “Zooly” With This List Of Synonyms And Slang For “Cool”

    If you have to ask what it means to be cool, well, you probably aren’t cool. What is cool, though, is just how many slang words we’ve used over the years to talk about people and things that we think are fab, funky, fresh, groovy, fly, phat, lit, gnarly, rad, and the cat’s meow. And that is just a taste of the coolness we managed …

  9. All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)

    How can a word be insulting sometimes … but not always? One of the many complexities of English is the ability of words to have multiple definitions, which opens the door for some words to be both derogatory and not derogatory, depending on who is using them or when. These words can be confusing, especially to people who are just learning English and all of …

  10. hamster angle

    Hamster angle is a novelty term for when a selfie makes your face look chubby, like a hamster's.
  11. 16 Spanish-Derived Words That Highlight Hispanic Cultures

    Have you ever wondered about the influence other languages have had on English? Let’s take a look at the many ways Spanish has impacted the English language. It’s not surprising that English has a lot of Spanish in it: Hispanic people are the largest ethnic minority in the US. And, in 1848, Mexico was compelled to cede approximately 50% of its original territory to the …

  12. trending word treatment; parenting terms

    From Silky Mom To Gentle Parenting: What The Latest Parenting Styles Say About Us

    Every day, it seems, there’s a new parenting buzzword dominating the headlines. One of the first big, viral terms was helicopter parent, used throughout the ’90s and 2000s to describe (and poke a bit of fun at) those parents who seem to hover over their kids and try to protect them from every little thing.  These parenting buzzwords are many things all at once. They’re …