Pop Culture dictionary

veiled threat

[ veyld thret ]

What is a veiled threat?

A veiled threat is a threat that isn’t directly stated but is implied using disguised language or euphemisms, as in My brother didn’t say so directly, but he made a veiled threat implying that I’d be in big trouble if I so much as scratch the paint on his car

When someone makes a veiled threat, they don’t say directly what the threat is. Instead, they hide the specific meaning and intent of their words. The following paragraph contains a commonly used example of a veiled threat:

“I’m disappointed you won’t work with me. You have a beautiful house. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to it. This neighborhood can be pretty dangerous, you know.” 

The third sentence in the paragraph is an example of a veiled threat. Without directly saying it, the speaker is threatening the person they’re addressing. They are strongly implying that they will do damage to the house if their conditions are not met.  

Often, whether a particular phrase is a veiled threat depends on the context. Veiled threats are typically made by a person who has both a reason to threaten someone and wants to be indirect while doing so. 

Example: Franky Two-Shoes sweated nervously as the don spoke to him while making several veiled threats.

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Where does veiled threat come from?

dark aqua text "veiled threat" on light aqua background

The term veiled threat uses the adjective veiled in the sense of “not openly or directly expressed; masked; disguised; hidden; obscure.” A veiled threat is a threat that is disguised with innocent language or that is implied by ominous word choice. 

The phrase veiled threat has been used since at least the late 1700s.

Examples of veiled threat

"I'll be home for Christmas." -a thinly veiled threat I made to my parents
@steveolivas, November 3, 2016
President Vladimir Putin's thinly veiled threat to use nuclear weapons after Russian setbacks in Ukraine was "dangerous and reckless rhetoric," NATO's secretary general said on Wednesday, adding that the only way to end the war was to prove Moscow will not win on the battlefield.
Humeyra Pamuk and John Chalmers, Reuters, September 2022

Who uses veiled threat?

Veiled threats are often used to try to persuade or coerce someone to do something. Veiled threats are often serious, but they can also be used humorously. The term veiled threat is often used by the person to whom the threat is being made to point out the fact that it is indeed a threat. 



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This is not meant to be a formal definition of veiled threat like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of veiled threat that will help our users expand their word mastery.