Slang dictionary

passenger princess

[ pas-uhn-jer prin-sis ]

What does passenger princess mean?

A passenger princess is a woman who has others drive while she sits in the passenger seat. A passenger princess may or may not know how to drive herself.

The term passenger princess is typically used to refer to a woman, but it can be jokingly used to refer to other people or even animals. The term passenger prince is used as the male equivalent of passenger princess.

A passenger princess prefers to sit in the passenger seat while a friend or significant other does all the driving. Often the term is used to refer to a person who doesn’t actually know how to drive.

The term passenger princess is often used to imply that the person doesn’t ever want to drive, either because they don’t want to learn how or they prefer having others doing all the work. As a result, the term passenger princess is often used both seriously and jokingly to refer to someone who enjoys being pampered and catered to.

Example: My little sister is a passenger princess who always makes me take her to the mall.

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Where does passenger princess come from?

passenger princess

The term passenger princess refers to a person who often prefers to be in the passenger seat of a vehicle. The word princess is used to imply that the person enjoys being chauffeured around as if they were royalty. The phrase is typically used to refer specifically to a woman.

The phrase passenger princess has been used on social media since at least 2020.

The term increased in popularity over the course of the early 2020s. It gained wider awareness after becoming a popular term and hashtag on TikTok, where it was commonly used in humorous viral videos.

Examples of passenger princess

I’m tired of driving… I’m ready to be a passenger princess 👑
@iamsolely, April 5, 2023
These videos give a funny look into some relationships, with the passenger princesses showing their reactions if they are asked to drive.
Amelia Beamer, The Sun, June 2022

Who uses passenger princess?

Passenger princess is commonly used on social media. It is used seriously and jokingly to refer to oneself or someone else as a person who prefers to have others do all of the driving.

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of passenger princess like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of passenger princess that will help our users expand their word mastery.