Tag Archives: category-mixedupmeanings

  1. General To Private: What’s The Order Of Military Ranks?

    Growing up, most kids have that one friend with the incredibly strict parent. You know the one—the mom or dad who instills fear in everyone so that no one ever misbehaves around them, ever. There might also be a lot of yes ma’ams and no sirs involved. Well, it’s easy to joke that these parents are as strict as military officers. But in reality, not everyone …

  2. What Is The Difference Between “Equality” And “Equity”?

    Children are often concerned with issues of fairness: who has more, who was first, and who is best. That’s not fair, they clamor at the first hint of any sort of inequality. Of course, some concepts related to equality can be difficult for children to grasp—but many of these concepts continue to pose thorny problems for us as adults making and enforcing policies and laws. …

  3. text: confident vs. confidant(e)

    “Confident” vs. “Confidant”: What’s The Difference?

    Before getting on stage to audition for the school play, Monica needed to believe in herself and reflect on her talent. But as she peeked out into the auditorium, where the judges were sitting, her self-esteem started to waver. At that point, was Monica feeling less confident than she was while singing in the shower? Or was she struggling to remain confidant? Or, what about confidante? …

  4. democracy vs republic, congress image as background

    “Democracy” vs. “Republic”: Is There A Difference?

    You probably hear countries like the United States or France referred to as democracies. At the same time, you probably also hear both of these countries called republics. Is that possible? Are democracies and republics the same thing or different? We don’t blame you for confusing these two terms. With a major and heated US election underway, it’s the perfect time for some Government 101. …

  5. text on blue background: "panic attack vs. anxiety attack"

    “Panic Attack” vs. “Anxiety Attack”: Which One Have You Had?

    Ever been worried, apprehensive, or even panicky at times? Yes? We thought so. We all have. Suddenly, you feel a knot in your throat, your heart starts pounding, you’re short of breath, shaky, drenched in sweat, and a bit dizzy. Brace yourself. Your body’s fight-or-flight response is switched on and is quickly taking over. You are in survival mode. We hope there are no imminent dangers or …

  6. text that says reeking vs. wreaking, on a light blue background

    “Reeking” vs. “Wreaking”: What’s The Difference?

    Does Godzilla wreak havoc or reek havoc? Reeking is a word that usually describes something with a bad smell. Wreaking refers to something that causes destruction or damage. So really, when it comes to Godzilla … it depends. Let’s examine the two homophones and learn why each refers to something different. What does reek mean? As a verb, reek means a few things. Most often, …

  7. text on dark green background: magma vs. lava

    “Magma” vs. “Lava”: Which Is Scarier?

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever made an exploding volcano. For a lot of us, that volcano project was a key milestone of our science fair years. (And if you didn’t build it, chances are, one of your classmates definitely did.) As you might recall, the project requires a few key ingredients, including dish soap, white vinegar, baking soda, and food coloring. All of these are assembled …

  8. “Marketing” vs. “Advertising”: What’s The Difference?

    We’re pretty sure we don’t have to point it out: advertising is everywhere. Your social media, internet, and email inbox are full of ads—and that’s because you are a consumer and therefore a target for marketing campaigns for everything from soft drinks to cars. Sometimes it’s hard to decipher what’s an ad and what’s not. From the influx of emails from retailers to the influencers …

  9. “Intrusive” vs. “Obtrusive”: What’s The Difference?

    Imagine this: one day, you look out your window and notice that the neighbors have installed a very large shed in their yard. If this shed blocks a view you previously enjoyed, would you describe it as intrusive or obtrusive? It’s natural to wonder. Intrusive and obtrusive both refer to something or someone who invades or is thrust into a situation in an unwelcome way. And …

  10. elderly woman making silly face

    “Psychopath” vs. “Sociopath”: Is There A Difference?

    Think of your classic con artist: they lie, they’re manipulative, they don’t care about anyone else, and they lack remorse. Are these criminals psychopaths? Sociopaths? Both? People tend to think that a sociopath is a psychopath who doesn’t go around doing criminal things. Likewise, psycho remains shorthand for all kinds of deviant antisocial behavior, from stalking to murder. We’ve got some news for you. Despite …

  11. What Is The Difference Between A Llama And An Alpaca?

    Are these adorable shaggy mammals popping up across home goods, clothing, and toys llamas? Or are these sweet, fluffy creatures that people adore called alpacas? And what’s the difference between the two? Despite being commonly mixed up, llamas and alpacas are two distinct animals with several defining features. Let’s take a closer look. What is an alpaca? An alpaca is a domesticated mammal from South America. …

  12. “Dissent” vs. “Protest”: Why Choosing The Right Word Matters

    Demonstrations against racism and police brutality have put the words dissent and protest at the center of our vocabulary this year. Dictionary.com has seen a surge of interest in these words, which speak to their relevance to our current times. The death of George Floyd—a Black man who was killed after a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes—has inspired worldwide protests that continue …