Tag Archives: category-popculture

  1. A Blockbuster Glossary Of Movie And Film Terms

    by Min Straussman Lights! Camera! Vocabulary! Have you ever been stumped by the language used by film buffs and casual movie fans alike? To help you use and understand all of this language better, we have gathered a collection of essential film and movie terms. These expressions describe both the technical and artistic aspects of the moving picture, from how a film is shot to …

  2. cleats, aqua background

    Surprise! You Can’t Use These English Words In The UK

    As you likely know, English is spoken all over the world. At the same time, there are many different types of English, such as American English, British English, and Australian English. Regardless of whether you live in Chicago, London, Toronto, or Sydney, many English words exist everywhere with the same meaning. However, there are quite a few words used by Americans and Canadians that aren’t …

  3. black panther movie still

    The Names Of Black Panther And Wakanda: Their Meaning And Significance

    Comic book creators and filmmakers pick some superhero names just because they sound cool. Other names, though, are chosen for their deep connection with a character or setting. Many of the names from Wakanda, the home of Black Panther, are especially rich in symbolism and significance. Join us as we answer these questions and more: Is there a real Wakanda that inspired the name of …

  4. heart puzzle, blue filter

    How To Break Up With Someone: What Words To Use (And Avoid)

    You’ve probably heard the phrase “breaking up is hard to do.” That’s because it is. Ending a relationship and being honest with someone about your feelings is rarely easy, but it’s a necessary part of life that every person goes through at some point. One thing that can make it easier when it’s time to break up is thinking carefully about the exact words you …

  5. 12 houses of astrology red text plus chart

    What Do The 12 Houses Mean In Astrology?

    Whether you’re an astrology devotee or a casual observer, you’re probably familiar with sun signs and horoscopes. But what would you say if someone asked what zodiac sign resides in your eighth house? Houses are kind of a big deal in astrology, but we aren’t talking about the ones with roofs and walls. These houses contain zodiac signs and planets that can tell you more …

  6. dragon, green filter

    Blaze Through This List Of Famous Dragon Names

    People around the world have been fascinated by dragons for millennia. From the snake-like dragons of the East to the dinosaur-like dragons of the West, we just can’t get enough of these gargantuan reptiles! They feature prominently in myths and legends (like St. George slaying a fearsome dragon or the Norse hero Sigurd battling the terrifying dragon Fafnir), and even after all of these years, dragons …

  7. stretched out hand on heart shape background with words of affirmation

    Strengthen Your Bonds With 17 Words Of Affirmation

    It’s safe to say we all like feeling loved, but do we all feel and express love in the exact same ways? Not necessarily, according to the experts. If you’ve spent any time online or interacting with pop culture, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about love languages, and one love language specifically: words of affirmation. These buzzy terms have been on our collective …

  8. us vs uk new

    The Differences Between British English vs. American English

    English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and you’ll find its more than 1 billion speakers just about everywhere. (It’s fun to note that scientists have even taken the English language to Antarctica!) But there are two particular groups of English speakers we’ll focus on in this article—and they are the ones who live on both sides of the Atlantic …

  9. Check boxes for Mr., Mrs., Ms. and one left blank

    What Is The Gender-Neutral Form Of Mr. And Mrs.?

    When addressing strangers, authority figures, and in formal situations, it is considered polite to use an honorific, or title, to address them. The most frequently used honorifics are gendered male or female, which may not always be appropriate. In this article, we are going to review the most common honorifics, the alternative Mx., and how and when to use these titles. The most commonly used …

  10. "mojito piragua telenovela twitear tocayo" in trending words treatment

    How Many Of These Cool Spanish Words Do You Know?

    Spanish is the second-most spoken language in the United States, after English. With so many Spanish-speakers, it is no surprise that there is a lot of crossover between the two. There are Spanish words adopted into English and English words that have been adapted into Spanish, and often people will use these two languages in combination or interchangeably (sometimes this is known as Spanglish). Let’s …

  11. pumpkin spice

    What Is In Pumpkin Spice? And Does It Contain Pumpkin?

    The pumpkin spice flavor used in coffee drinks and so many other foods popular in fall is typically a mixture of spices (or flavorings) including cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and sometimes allspice. Does pumpkin spice contain pumpkin? It’s called pumpkin spice not because it has pumpkin in it but because it’s the spice mixture traditionally used to flavor pumpkin pie and other pumpkin-based baked goods …

  12. boy with hand over mouth

    Dagnabbit! Minced Oaths And Curse Word Alternatives

    Let’s get real. Life is tough, and tough times call for tough words. But sometimes even the toughest of times call for … gentler words. Imagine: you’ve stubbed your toe and dropped your coffee too, and while you might want to let out a string of expletives (*&$@#*!!!), you’re painfully aware you can’t. Maybe the “little pitchers” have big ears. Or Great Aunt Edna is …