Tag Archives: interest-health

  1. 10 Types Of “Ologists” You Ought To Know Right Now

  2. What Are Antibodies, And Do They Kill Viruses?

    Terms and concepts to understand coronavirus antibody testing by John Kelly, Senior Research Editor at Dictionary.com Testing continues to be a major story—and concern—amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes diagnostic testing to determine if one is infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. It also includes serological tests to determine if a person has antibodies that can signal immunity to COVID-19. But what does serological …

  3. Getty

    When Did “Fat” Become An Insult?

    by Ashley Austrew The word fat holds a complicated place in our society. As an adjective, it joins words like tall, hairy, fluffy, or bright. But, unlike those descriptors, fat isn’t neutral. It’s so often framed as a negative—and used as an insult. However, the body positivity movement, fat activism, and popular books and television shows centered on fat characters are proving that narrative is wearing thin. …

  4. Getty

    Peanut Butter Nightmares And Other Lesser-Known Phobias

  5. Weird Obsessions You Never Knew Had A Name