Tag Archives: type-article

  1. dark blue text "weather vs whether" on light blue background

    Weather vs. Whether: What’s The Difference?

    We’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not! This nursery rhyme demonstrates some of the different ways that weather and whether can be used. But what do these words really mean? In this article, we’ll define the difference between weather and whether and provide tips to help you always remember which one is which. Weather and whether are homophones—their pronunciation …

  2. boy with hand over mouth

    Dagnabbit! Minced Oaths And Curse Word Alternatives

    Let’s get real. Life is tough, and tough times call for tough words. But sometimes even the toughest of times call for … gentler words. Imagine: you’ve stubbed your toe and dropped your coffee too, and while you might want to let out a string of expletives (*&$@#*!!!), you’re painfully aware you can’t. Maybe the “little pitchers” have big ears. Or Great Aunt Edna is …

  3. Attain vs. Obtain: What’s The Difference?

    The verbs attain and obtain are very similar. Sometimes their meanings overlap, but they can also be used in distinct ways. In this article, we’ll define attain and obtain, explain the different ways they’re used and when their meanings overlap, and provide examples of how they’re typically used in sentences. The verbs attain and obtain have distinct meanings, but there are certain situations in which …

  4. genz emoji

    How Gen Z Uses Emoji: A Guide For Millennials

    Do you speak emoji? If you’re a millennial, you might think you do, since you came of age during the dawn of emojis. What might surprise you is finding out that the meanings of many of even the most popular emojis have completely changed. Gen Z came along and used their creativity and unique sense of style to reshape the way people use and understand …

  5. latinx latnie latina latino colorful text

    Latine vs. Latinx: How And Why They’re Used

    The terms we use to refer to other people—and ourselves—can communicate a lot about identity, and sometimes even a single letter can make a big difference. Perhaps you know the words Latino and Latina. But have you encountered Latinx or Latine? Even if you have, you might still be confused about why they’re used and whether there’s a difference. In this article, we’ll explain the …

  6. cactuses

    11 Word Facts You’re Wrong About

    English has so many words: Big words. Small words. Words with silent letters. And whatever the heck is going on with squeamish. With so many words to choose from, it can be easy to get a little confused from time to time. In fact, there are a lot of words people use every day that they actually get wrong without even knowing it. Right now, …

  7. spaceship abducting truck

    What Is Science Fiction? The Elements That Define Sci-Fi

    From fire to the internet, science and technology have shaped and changed the world. But we can imagine so much more. Time travel! Teleportation! Interstellar spaceships! These (at least for the time being) are the realm of science fiction. In this article, we’ll discuss what elements contribute to a story being categorized as sci-fi and provide examples on page and on screen, including “hard sci-fi” …

  8. empty bookshelf, blue filter.

    12 Banned Books Speak For Themselves

    Here’s an uncontroversial statement: books have the power to teach us about people, places, cultures, and ideas—especially ones that are different or unfamiliar to us. For young people in particular, a book can be a window to the world beyond their everyday surroundings. But recently, a growing number of political leaders, school officials, and parents in several US states have worked to remove or ban …

  9. Big Ben

    16 Words That Explain British Royal Family Traditions

    Royalty is built on ceremony and tradition, and these ceremonies and traditions are excruciatingly planned down to the slightest detail, often years in advance. Here are some key terms that explain the intricacies of British royal rituals and the places they are performed, including the elaborate funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, coronations, royal weddings, and the final resting places of British monarchs. lie in state …

  10. virus under microscope

    How Disease Names Like Monkeypox Can Mislead And Stigmatize

    When it comes to disease, we’re more and more aware of symptoms, prevention, treatments, and long-term effects. But there’s another, often less-considered factor that can have far-reaching consequences for public health: a disease’s name. What we call a disease—both popularly and officially—can affect how people perceive it, whether they understand how its spread can be prevented, and whether they seek treatment for it. The fact …

  11. dark blue text "homogeneous vs heterogeneous" on light blue background

    Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous: What’s The Difference?

    The words homogeneous and heterogeneous are often used in scientific contexts to describe kinds of mixtures, but they can be also used in other ways, such as to describe groups of people. But what do they actually mean, and what is the difference? In this article, we’ll define homogeneous and heterogeneous, break down the differences between them, and provide some examples of the different things …

  12. beyonce

    How The Many Genres Of Beyoncé’s Renaissance Got Their Names

    So, you’re wondering why Beyoncé’s Renaissance album has proved to be so irresistible and has now inspired a record-breaking tour—declared the highest grossing for a female artist—in 2023. Well, we’ve got 15 words that help tell that story. The album, released in 2022, samples and incorporates elements of a highly danceable musical genre known as house. Renaissance in particular references and pays homage to the Black …