


  1. a combining form meaning “irregular enlargement” of the organ of the body specified by the initial element:


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Word History and Origins

Origin of -megaly1

< New Latin -megalia. See megalo-, -y 3


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Words That Use -megaly

What does -megaly mean?

The combining form -megaly is used like a suffix meaning “irregular enlargement” of an organ or part of the body. It is used in many medical terms, especially in pathology.

The form -megaly ultimately comes from the Greek mégas, meaning “great, large.”

What are variants of -megaly?

The combining form -megalia, as in cardiomegalia, is a rare variant of -megaly. Corresponding forms of -megaly combined to the beginning of words is megalo- and megal-. Learn more at our Words That Use articles for the forms.

A variant of megalo- that you may be familiar with is mega-, as in megaphone or megabyte. Mega- is also used as a unit of measure prefix to indicate a fact of one million (e.g. megahertz).

Examples of -megaly

One example of a medical term that features the combining form -megaly is cardiomegaly, meaning “abnormal enlargement of the heart.”

The combining form cardio- means “heart,” from the Greek kardía. As we know, -megaly means “irregular enlargement.” Cardiomegaly literally translates to “abnormally large heart.”

What are some words that use the combining form -megaly?

What are some other forms that -megaly may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form gastro- means “stomach.” What does the medical condition of gastromegaly involve?



