
[ loor ]
See synonyms for lure on
  1. anything that attracts, entices, or allures.

  2. the power of attracting or enticing.

  1. a decoy; live or especially artificial bait used in fishing or trapping.

  2. Falconry. a feathered decoy for attracting a hawk, swung at the end of a long line and sometimes baited with raw meat.

  3. a flap or tassel dangling from the dorsal fin of pediculate fishes, as the angler, that attracts prey to the mouth region.

verb (used with object),lured, lur·ing.
  1. to attract, entice, or tempt; allure.

  2. to draw or recall (especially a falcon), as by a lure or decoy.

Idioms about lure

  1. in lure, Heraldry. noting a pair of wings joined with the tips downward.

Origin of lure

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Anglo-French, Old French luere (French leurre ), from Frankish lothr- (unrecorded); cognate with Middle High German luoder, German Luder “bait”

Other words for lure

Opposites for lure

Other words from lure

  • lurement, noun
  • lurer, noun
  • lur·ing·ly, adverb
  • un·lured, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use lure in a sentence

  • In the depths of his being, below an immense horizon, shone joy, luring him onward and brightening as it did so.

    The Wave | Algernon Blackwood
  • By luring a Gern cruiser here and then taking it away from them.

    Space Prison | Tom Godwin
  • There was a booth-theatre fitted up, and luring the folk to its dingy green canvas enclosure.

    The Cornwall Coast | Arthur L. Salmon
  • Now it is not to be presumed, that so luring a game as cards would have been omitted in the enumeration, had they been in use.

  • Annesley made no objection to Knight's plan for luring the journalist into his "trap," which was a harmless one.

    The Second Latchkey | Charles Norris Williamson and Alice Muriel Williamson

British Dictionary definitions for lure


/ (lʊə) /

  1. (sometimes foll by away or into) to tempt or attract by the promise of some type of reward

  2. falconry to entice (a hawk or falcon) from the air to the falconer by a lure

  1. a person or thing that lures

  2. angling any of various types of brightly-coloured artificial spinning baits, usually consisting of a plastic or metal body mounted with hooks and trimmed with feathers, etc: See jig, plug, spoon

  1. falconry a feathered decoy to which small pieces of meat can be attached and which is equipped with a long thong

Origin of lure

C14: from Old French loirre falconer's lure, from Germanic; related to Old English lathian to invite

Derived forms of lure

  • lurer, noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012