1[ key-per ]
2[ key-per ]
- a spiny shrub, Capparis spinosa, of Mediterranean regions, having roundish leaves and solitary white flowers.
- its flower bud, which is pickled and used for garnish or seasoning.
1/ ˈkeɪpə /
- a playful skip or leap
- a high-spirited escapade
- cut a caper or cut capers
- to skip or jump playfully
- to act or behave playfully; frolic
- slang.a crime, esp an organized robbery
- informal.a job or occupation
- informal.a person's behaviour
- intr to leap or dance about in a light-hearted manner
2/ ˈkeɪpə /
- a spiny trailing Mediterranean capparidaceous shrub, Capparis spinosa, with edible flower buds
- any of various similar plants or their edible parts See also bean caper capers
Derived Forms
- ˈcaperingly, adverb
- ˈcaperer, noun
Other Words From
- caper·er noun
- caper·ing·ly adverb
- un·caper·ing adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of caper1
Origin of caper2
Word History and Origins
Origin of caper1
Origin of caper2
Idioms and Phrases
- cut a caper. cut ( def 87 ).
Example Sentences
Many capers are grab-and-go schemes that unfold quickly, aided by pollinating logistics.
Conroy chops raw flank steak from the pedigreed D’Artagnan, mixing it with capers, green peppercorns and a fermented hot sauce he makes himself.
Toss it with tomatoes, garlic, cayenne peppers, pasta, cheese, and lots of capers.
Pop open a jar of caper leaves—yes, off the same plant that gives us briney capers—and have a nibble.
During renormalization, complicated submicroscopic capers tend to just disappear.
His latest film is The Two Faces of January, an old-fashioned caper set in scenic Greece and Turkey.
I sought them out and mapped out what a true-to-life 21st-century caper would look like at the most powerful bank in capitalism.
The Muppets Most Wanted might be the best puppet-led musical mystery caper farce that Hollywood has ever produced.
David O. Russell's sexy caper, American Hustle, opens in a most unusual way.
Why would the Revolutionary Guards, known for running a tight ship, get involved in such a sloppy caper?
If you can induce them to take a step to the right hand, they generally indemnify themselves by cutting a caper to the left.
Tell me, Caper, what idea does even that rough sketch of Venice awake in your imaginative faculties, and all that?'
Caper's face wore a deeply thoughtful look, as he answered: 'I do see it; I do claim to read the lesson you would teach——'
Chandeliers constructed of egg-shells, where candles shone brightly, particularly struck Caper.
As soon as we were alone she began to laugh and caper like a lunatic, singing out, 'You are my rom, I'm your romi.'
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.