View synonyms for crown jewels
crown jewels
plural noun
- the jewellery, including the regalia, used by a sovereign on a state occasion
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Example Sentences
So here, then, were the “crown jewels” all along: not the gems of the Zemblan monarchy, much less those of the Romanovs.
From The Daily Beast
Police have said that the Crown Jewels were never at risk of being stolen.
From The Daily Beast
In the meantime he is in bed—guarded from intrusion by Ricky and Lucy with the same care as if he were the crown jewels.
From Project Gutenberg
The crown jewels had also been secretly conveyed to England.
From Project Gutenberg
Well, you see, Court Godmother, my Crown jewels seem to suit me so much better.
From Project Gutenberg
It has passed from his Majesty's hands; it is no longer among the crown jewels of Mauravania and a Russian has it.
From Project Gutenberg
He has stolen one of the most valuable crown jewels, and was caught with it in his possession.
From Project Gutenberg