ethyl alcohol
ethyl alcohol
ethyl alcohol
- See ethanol
ethyl alcohol
- The kind of alcohol made by fermentation of the sugar in grains; the fermentation is brought about by the enzymes in yeast.
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Alcoholic drinks and gasohol contain ethyl alcohol.
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Word History and Origins
Origin of ethyl alcohol1
First recorded in 1865–70
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Example Sentences
The ADH7 gene produces a protein that helps to break down ethyl alcohol.
Neutral volatile substances—ethyl alcohol, aldehyde, acetone.
From Project Gutenberg
Pabst proved this by letting methyl sulphuric acid act upon a mixture of acetic acid and ethyl alcohol.
From Project Gutenberg
By the continued action of ethyl alcohol and acetic acid upon this mixture, of course, acetate of ethyl was formed.
From Project Gutenberg
If we use the methyl radicle we get methyl alcohol: if we use the ethyl radicle we get ethyl alcohol.
From Project Gutenberg
All of them may be regarded as impure forms of ethyl alcohol, the various impurities giving to each its particular taste.
From Project Gutenberg