

View synonyms for gangland


[ gang-land, -luhnd ]


  1. the world of organized crime; criminal underworld.


/ ˈɡæŋˌlænd; -lənd /


  1. the criminal underworld
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of gangland1

An Americanism dating back to 1910–15; gang 1 + land
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Example Sentences

A paramilitary group he formed took credit last week for two gangland-style shootings of pro-Russian separatists.

John Buntin, The New York Times Magazine A plan for peace in gangland.

The west of Ireland—once peopled with villages of harmless old twilled codgers—is now a barely habitable gangland.

As for that phone call—in the end, Alvarez-Marquez didn't end up helping the gangland matriarch get into the country.

Fingers of steel had gripped his wrist and the king of gangland rolled over on him, twisting the gun from his hand.

Then from the blasphemous mouth of the king of gangland there came a shriek of awful fear.

And he himself was killed by the gangland of Fort Worth, Tex.

Here was music, dancing, drinking, gambling; just such a life as the hard working members of gangland demand while off duty.

Among people of his own kind this youth, Jimmie McGowan, was known as the quickest trigger in all gangland.


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