heaven knows
Idioms and Phrases
see god knows .Example Sentences
“Heaven knows when he fitted it all in,” says Professor Beard.
That's not meant as a blistering indictment—heaven knows many of the top conservative politicians are the same way.
Heaven knows what my immigrant grandparents made of the book, if they read it at all.
Hurtling through the sky on the way to heaven knows where is an altogether new hazard.
Heaven knows K. himself had his work cut out when he ran the communications during his advance upon Khartoum.
We have had fighting enough, Heaven knows, but we felt that by ‘doing’ he meant ‘attacking,’ not ‘defending.’
As for my share, retribution has held its heavy hand upon me; it is upon me still, Heaven knows.
I ventured to remonstrate with M. d'Infreville, not from any feeling of jealousy, Heaven knows!
Shooting boxes, oppra boxes, money boxes always full; hunters at Melton; a seat in the house of Commins: heaven knows what!
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.