[ mas-ter-wurk, mah-ster- ]
Word History and Origins
Origin of masterwork1
Example Sentences
Nick Saban is the defining coach of his era, and that 2011 defense is his masterwork.
Adam Moussa, Eater lead social media manager“It follows basic snack math, which is that two forms of junk food together always exceed the greatness of them separately,” writes Deb Perelman in her masterwork, The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook.
He was soon forced to publicly apologize for writing what he considered his masterwork.
It was Kanye who asked Takashi Murakami to design the cover his 2007 masterwork, Graduation.
But we know very little about the woman who became the inspiration for his masterwork, Les Fleurs du Mal.
They were exceptionally fine—full and velvety, grandly formed, and a real masterwork of nature.
The old-time chteau, constructed in the fifteenth century, was the masterwork of a famous Angevin architect, Jean Lespine by name.
Above the entrance to the cloister is an equestrian statue of St. Bartholomew, a masterwork of sixteenth-century German sculpture.
The casket in which repose the relics of the Three Magi is a masterwork of the goldsmith's art of the twelfth century.
The twelfth-century cloister was indeed a masterwork among those examples, all too rare, existing to-day.