[ muh-neer-uh ]
, Biology.
- (in the five-kingdom system of taxonomic classification) the kingdom of prokaryotic organisms that include the bacteria and typically reproduce by asexual budding or fission, and that are nourished through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
- The kingdom of single-celled organisms without a cell nucleus ( see also prokaryotes ). Monera are the most primitive living things and are thought to have been the first to evolve.
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Word History and Origins
Origin of Monera1
First recorded in 1865–70; from New Latin, plural of monēron, coinage based on Greek monḗrēs “solitary, single,” derivative of mónos “alone, only”
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Example Sentences
The instructive monera once more form a connecting bridge between the two realms.
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These and other writers suppose that the nucleus has been overlooked in the protoplasm of the monera I have described.
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This comparison is inapplicable to the lowest organisms, the monera, which are devoid of such a mechanical structure.
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A long gradation of cellular organization leads from the simplest primitive cells (monera) to the highest developed protists.
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We find cœnobia of this kind even among the monera, such as the zooglœa of many bacteria and chromacea.
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